1、the vernacular Chinese

2、in the vernacular

3、a vernacular language

4、He speaks an incomprehensible vernacular.

5、What is vernacular? Pidgin? Creole?

6、We must master the local vernacular.

7、He addressed me forcibly in the vernacular.

8、Although it is not pure vernacular, the degree of vernacularization is even higher than vernacular.

9、"The vernacular" is good! The schoolmates most like "the vernacular". You are too modest! (ha ha).

10、They explored Ming-Qing vernacular novels and ancient vernacular writings in order to look for a vernacular Chinese-language model and its historical origin.

11、Drama speech and its significance and value in vernacular movement;

12、The common speech of a people;the vernacular.

13、A group of vernacular Indic dialects spoken in northern India.

14、that are taken up into the vernacular of his family.

15、common parlance; a vernacular term; vernacular speakers; the vulgar tongue of the masses; the technical and vulgar names for an animal species.

16、Professor Ge Ruliang, as a representative of Chinese "modern vernacular architecture" performers, created a series of outstanding "modern vernacular" architectural pieces in last 1980 s.

17、The rise of vernacular in the late Qing dynasty, which will change expression way of vernacular, then give birth to a new style of article.

18、To meet this challenge I find it helpful to establish a common vernacular.

19、The vernacular is used by the proletariat and also by the bourgeoisie.

20、Written under a pseudonym, the book is a naturalistic masterpiece composed in the vernacular language.

21、I tend to extend the vernacular to include the owner of the software asset, such that.

22、The principal school was a New side figure who first adopted schoolbook written in the vernacular.

23、This new vernacular provides a framework for understanding the intentions of both companies with respect to Web service technologies.

24、This course concentrates on such skills, emphasizing audio-visual awareness and cinematic elements such as drama, dialogue, vernacular, and pacing.

25、This article tried to explain a few vernacular words which appeared in Xingshiyinyuanzhuan, to make use of dialects to correct the mistakes or deficiencies in explanation of the vernacular words.

26、Although ravaged by fire in the late 17th century, it has preserved its ancient vernacular architectural heritage.

27、Jin Yong's style of writing in his novels is not pure vernacular, but a unique style of Chinese traditional fiction.

28、Like practitioners of other art, UNIX users have an extensive vernacular for describing the specifics of their work.

29、Finding patterns in communication doesn't just show how funny captions about photos of cats leak into the public vernacular, Golub says.

30、Warhol's reach is indisputable, and his visual vocabulary has become a part of the vernacular from which it originally came, making him as.