1、advertising solicitor

2、articled to a solicitor

3、Our solicitor holds our wills.

4、My solicitor is no longer in practice.

5、I'll have to contact my solicitor.

6、His solicitor is grant power of attorney.

7、I have made up my mind to be a solicitor.

8、To allow someone to practise as a solicitor

9、He is a solicitor of at least seven years' standing.

10、The key documents are in the hands of my solicitor.

11、and a solicitor who occasionally rides to hounds.

12、The young woman was escorted from the court by her solicitor.

13、Elena Kagan, the solicitor-general, led the field of those hoping to replace him. See article.

14、He is a practicing solicitor and is a partner in the firm of Richards Butler.

15、"I expect it will be so and so," replied the solicitor.

16、That one silly error reflects upon his integrity as a solicitor.

17、The most-mentioned names include Diane Wood and Merrick Garland, both appeals-court judges, and Elena Kagan, the solicitor-general.

18、Judge Brian Pollock said: "For a solicitor to supply drugs under these circumstances is all the more serious."

19、I told him some of what I know, and also what my solicitor could do to him in court.

20、A solicitor who has been trained by a mediator is relieved of the need to seek legal advice alone.

21、A recent graduate spends two years combining work and study as a trainee solicitor in England and Referendar in Germany.

22、Barrister, solicitor, judge, priest, doctor, member of parliament, people who is insane is among the category of people disqualify from is juror.

23、The residents decided to invite a local solicitor to appear for them in the inquiry concerning the proposed establishment of a new airport near the village.

24、For the moment Elena Kagan, the solicitor-general and a former dean of Harvard Law School, appears at the top of this list.

25、Prominent solicitor Dixon Tang Kwok-wah was jailed for seven years yesterday for the rape and indecent a ault of his domestic helper.

26、If appointed, she would have to recuse herself from a large number of cases in her first year on the Supreme Court, because as solicitor-general she represented the government in their early stages.

27、Thee second breakout is Elizabeth Marvel as Heather Dunbar, the solicitor general who brought down President Walker and is now taking on a major role in the third season.