1、This idea had proved untenable.

2、untenable arguments, claims, propositions, etc

3、In the long term, this is untenable.

4、An untenable argument is often inadequate.

5、But now, this theory is untenable.

6、We must avoid frittering away our resources on untenable positions.

7、Suspicion and jealousy, however untenable, can poison marriage.

8、I believe that the above argument is untenable.

9、So reasonably, the motive for murder is untenable.

10、This divergence within the commodity family is untenable, given the bio-ethanol linkage to oil.

11、It's their way or the highway, and that's an untenable position.

12、His position had become untenable and he was forced to resign.

13、However, some comrades argue that this view of ours is untenable.

14、So the argument that aluminum is harmful to the body is untenable.

15、Senator McCain doesn't talk about education much.But I don't accept the status quo.It is morally unacceptable and economically untenable.

16、Yet although Mr Berlusconi's position has become untenable, the manner and timing of his departure remain unclear.

17、Eventually, the converging channels to integrate every endpoint with every other endpoint becomes an untenable mess, "spaghetti architecture."

18、The government said phone booth calls decreased by 30 times in the last decade, making the maintenance costs untenable.

19、Sweden's prime minister, Fredrik Reinfeldt, had criticised the US failure to commit to targets for cutting emissions as "untenable".

20、It is untenable and detrimental to both sides to accuse and pressure one another on this issue or even resort to trade protectionism.

21、However, the revised version is still untenable, for it only reflects the thought of young Max and is entirely different from the mature Max's understanding of philosophy.

22、If you need to restart the production application every time the log Settings are changed, the situation will become untenable quickly.

23、But Tim Hubbard, of the Sanger Centre near Cambridge, a leading figures in the public sequencing project, responded, "His figure is now untenable."

24、Once man came to be seen as developing in the process of evolution, the idea of a substance which is contained in his essence seemed untenable.

25、The structure used in the bonds—a Netherlands registration and an agreement to take disputes to court in New York—was determined to be untenable and unenforceable against Indonesian debtors.

26、Where the department for the administration of patent work considers that the reason for suspension given by the respondent is obviously untenable, it may refuse to suspend the disposal.

27、Mr Xu's view on the creative time of Ju Song is built on the foundation of misunderstandings, so it's untenable. Looking from the current documents, Mr. Kuifu Zhao's view is the most convincing.