1、The cardboard disintegrates organically.

2、organically grown tomatoes

3、It grew organically.

4、These tomatoes were organically grown.

5、this food is grown organically.

6、Why do you intend to farm organically?

7、No warmth of feeling united it organically.

8、Organically grown plants contain higher levels of B12 than plants grown non-organically with chemical fertilizers.

9、Are organically grown foods the best food choices?

10、The doctor says there is nothing organically wrong with me

11、Much organically bound carbon is deposited on inland lake bottoms.

12、Whenever possible eat organically-grown, natural, unprocessed foods.

13、The number of cattle reared organically has risen steadily, to more than 350, 000 last year.

14、NOP certified livestock has to be fed with 100% NOP organically produced and handled feed.

15、The original rules allow room for interpretation, so the law can change organically with time.

16、Vegans - and anyone else - should be able to obtain B12 by consuming organically grown produce.

17、For Americans who are concerned about eating locally or organically, hens can help.

18、The process of making organically rich compost produces heat. This heat kills many, though not all, weed seeds.

19、Growing organically keeps soil in its natural state and protects the ground as well as our water.

20、We understand it as a sequence of cross-sections rather than something that somehow organically changes through time.

21、And by the integrative and humanize designing, highrise complex maybe combined into urban Spaces organically, realizing the symbiosis of urban and architecture.

22、The three determinants are organically consolidated, resulting in the organic consolidation of the adherence to the Party's leadership, ruling by the people, and governing the state by law.

23、In the study, more than 50,000 papers were searched, yielding 162 relevant articles comparing the nutritional content of organically and conventionally produced crops and livestock products.

24、Based on an organically symbolic aspect of constructivism the epicenter of the Delos Museum will the spiral stair coming from the lower floor to the upper floor.

25、Many people shop in health food stores for organically growth goods and dietary supplements to add extra vitamins to their diets.

26、Mr Ge admitted China Mobile’s attempts to grow organically could be slow and take up to five years. Instead, he was looking to co-operate with partners with the ability to manage a robust network.

27、The South-to-North Water Diversion Project will connect organically the Yangtze, Yellow, Huaihe and Haihe rivers into a giant water network, so as to solve fundamentally the water shortage problem in northern China.

28、They can also keep you in the loop about what the hot issues are in the news and the information ecosphere that might get people to your site organically.

29、Professor Curran says composting weeds is another way to make use of them. The process of making organically rich compost produces heat. The heat will kill many, though not all, weed seeds.