1、She speaks with a Southern drawl.

2、He spoke in a monotone drawl.

3、His mother was speaking with a slight drawl.

4、Under the direction of light drawl my shadow.

5、"Good morning," she cried, in her sweet, affected drawl.

6、"Good morning," she cried, in her sweet, affected drawl,"Isn't it cold?"

7、By far the most talked - about speech characteristic of Southerners is their drawl.

8、Jack's southern drawl had become more pronounced as they'd travelled southward.

9、Sarah Colwill's strong Devon drawl disappeared overnight, in one of only 20 known cases of Foreign Accent Syndrome worldwide.

10、An Alabaman with a gentlemanly drawl, Mr Cook would be a very different manager from Mr Jobs.

11、Imagine taking away in the cities, not understanding the people. all the building and pedestrians can become your landscape, all the time here was unlimited drawl.

12、"They're just like the cowboys!" and don't care what others think, he says, underscoring his comments with expletives and affecting an American drawl.

13、Fode, whose skin was tinted red, provided commentary in an easy Basic drawl, while Beed, the green-hued head, provided counterpoint in Huttese.

14、Costner's voice is instantly recognizable on the phone-a soft, slow Californian drawl as reassuring as a family doctor making a house call .

15、One of the women sticks out her hand for the other woman to see, and in her long southern drawl says' Look at this ring my husband gave me. Isn't it nice?

16、One of the women sticks out her hand for the other woman to see, and in her long southern drawl says' Look at this ring my husband gave me.

17、"Because," Nash said slowly in his soft, reasonable southern drawl, as if talking to himself, "the ideas I had about supernatural beings came to me the same way that my mathematical ideas did."