1、The hound waited.

2、News hound sniffs the air.

3、I'm actually a data hound.

4、He was a hunting hound.

5、An Afghan hound stands at attention.

6、My hound howled towards a hovering hawk.

7、He slipped the hound from the leash.

8、The hound got wind of the game.

9、Even little kittens and many a hound!

10、a small short-legged smooth-coated breed of hound.

11、The hound stuck by the hunter's side all day.

12、the sound of a hound on the scent.

13、I'm also an avid reader and news hound.

14、any of several breeds of hound developed for hunting raccoons.

15、I have an insane sense of smell. Like a basset hound. I'm like a 5ft basset hound.

16、Why, the dirty low-down hound, sneaking around spying into other people's business like that.

17、Tensile strength is one of main mechanics properties of lime-fly ash hound macadam.

18、All of them hoped he would put up a fight for his hound.

19、That mangy hound of yours just cost me a bucket of milk!

20、He pursued the problem like the sleuth-hound that he was.

21、But not as equals; the hound returns to his home with the humans and the fox returns to the wild.

22、I know you are an autograph-hound, but I have never thought that you could be so crazy!

23、Together the three royals are given to the breeze, that follows out to see like the baying of a hound.

24、The hound had run on the grass, so it left no footprints, except the one found by Dr Mortimer.

25、Nothing could escape his look, which is more like the scent of a hound than the sight of an eye.

26、He had asked me if I was a deceiving imp, and he had said I should be a fierce young hound if I joined the hunt against him.

27、In front of us on the path we heard scream after scream from Sir Henry, and the deep voice of the hound.

28、He had short, bandy legs, long straggly ginger hair and bloodshot, baggy eyes that gave him the doleful look of a basset hound.

29、 In a dark corner of the fire station, the mechanical hound stayed asleep and awake in its soft, slightly loud and shaking nest.

30、Man's best friend joined the list of cloned animals as South Korean scientists led announced they had created the world's first cloned dog from an Afghan hound.