1、projecting camera

2、Diamond with projecting end(projecting diamond)

3、large-curtain projecting TV set

4、 A projecting part, especially a nib.

5、IDC is projecting the following (statement)?

6、A projecting part, especially a nib.

7、(of upper front teeth) projecting outward.

8、A prominent, projecting upper front tooth.

9、Having two toes projecting forward and two projecting backward, as certain climbing birds.

10、a device for projecting a beam of light.

11、The horizontally projecting edge of a stair tread.

12、The projecting overhang at the lower edge of a roof.

13、A projecting brim at the front of a bonnet.

14、Grass, covertly projecting from the earth, is tender and green.

15、Many also liked Reagan's sunny All-American personality, something Obama has trouble projecting.

16、Moog\'s Aircraft Segment is projecting fiscal 2009 sales of $652 million.

17、Assistants record the conversation and jolly it along by projecting relevant scientific papers onto a screen.

18、This topic is one section USES the DLP technology the projecting camera product developmental item.

19、The company had $30,000 in revenue in 2009 and is projecting $135,000 for 2010.

20、As a result, one side of the building goes forward projecting above the lower floors, and another side goes back.

21、Stifling our feelings will work against us because when we deny or suppress anger, we end up projecting it.

22、This thesis is mainly to recommend the projecting and designing course of the Intoxicating Liquor Inventory Management Information System.

23、The setting sun is red and round, hanging heavily among the black mountains, projecting a warm purple light.

24、In profile all that showed was the end of the nose projecting from beyond a sheaf of shiny black hair.

25、The horny, projecting structure forming the mandibles of a bird, especially one that is strong, sharp, and useful in striking and tearing; a bill.

26、Even before the current crisis, U. s. intelligence agencies had begun projecting a significant diminution of U. s. power over the next 15 years.

27、These works shown here is done by themselves from plowing, planting, fertilizing, hoeing, taking pictures, to frame-projecting, material-selecting, manufacturing, and mounting.

28、As the growth rate comes down, the monthly deposit change has become much more volatile, projecting another level of uncertainty to Banks as they fight over deposits.

29、The focal length of the conelensing lens should be such that the image of the source just fills the projecting lens.

30、The LS channel estimation of OFDM systems can be viewed as a noisy observation of the true channel frequency response, so the noise component can be compressed through subspace projecting.