1、Fears of another intifada grew.

2、Zhu Yuan Zhang(King of Dynasty Ming) joint rostrum resistance forces to the intifada.

3、As long as foreign donors pay the pa's salary bill, few expect a new intifada (uprising).

4、The sole Bedou in Israel’s parliament, Taleb al-Sana, warns of a Bedouin intifada if the planners persist.

5、By then, however, everything had changed. The intifada was raging, Palestinians were seething and mourning their dead, and many of Arafat's advisors were counseling against the deal.

6、Since the outbreak of the second Palestinian intifada in autumn 2000, the civilian residents of Christianity's home town have lived through some terrifying moments.

7、The country has emerged stronger from the second Palestinian intifada, which between 2000 and 2004 killed 946 Israelis and over 3,100 Palestinians.

8、Meanwhile, the high-tech boom that began in the 1990s has not only survived the intifada but gone from strength to strength, fuelling impressive economic growth.

9、Baoying first year (AD 762) was Tubo of Lanzhou, the large and medium-sized 2002 (AD 848), River Zhang Chao, who intifada, 11, recovering Longyou, Lanzhou is also to the Tang Dynasty.

10、Nine years ago a visit to the Temple Mount by Ariel Sharon, then leader of the Likud party, triggered events that led to the second Palestinian uprising, popularly called the al-Aqsa intifada.

11、Many Israelis still feel this way: indeed, their mistrust has increased since the years of intifada and the rise of Hamas and a militant Iran, which both say they seek Israel's destruction.

12、According to their ministry of agriculture, nearly 500, 000 olive trees have been bulldozed, burnt down or uprooted in the territories since the second intifada (uprising) began in 2000.


