1、I have a small cappuccino.

2、He makes cappuccino with chocolate on top.

3、May I have a cup of cappuccino?

4、Julia: That is why I drink cappuccino.

5、A latte typically contains more milk than a cappuccino.

6、And cappuccino is also coffee with foamed milk.

7、Sip cappuccino at the Cowgirl Luncheonette on First Ave.

8、Starbucks cappuccino. Where 1% goes to the world's starving children.

9、To better understand how well suited Cappuccino might be for mobile web applications, look at the framework that inspired cappuccino-cocoa.

10、Coffee: Instead of ordering a latte, mocha, cappuccino with whipped cream and cinnamon and shavings... simplify.

11、This could all be followed by regular coffee, cappuccino, expresso, latte or a selection of teas.

12、Cakes flavoured with espresso filled with layers mascarpone cheese and cappuccino cream.

13、They might also mention free Wi-Fi, bottled water, cappuccino machine, and the comfortable, pleasing environment.

14、Didn't bother you at all? -no! Can I get a cappuccino?

15、I have noticed that there are no good Chinese translations for beverages like expresso, cappuccino, cafe latte and so on.


17、The cinnamon some of us dash in our cappuccino today was once used by ancient Egyptians to embalm the dead.

18、Some patrons nurse lukewarm cups of cappuccino; others wait patiently for a slice of cheesecake to be placed before them.

19、Its once-raffish waterfront has been transformed into a genteel park, and the old neighborhoods are now dotted with cappuccino shops.

20、Unlike cappuccino, cafe mochas do not contain the well-known milk froth on top. They usually have whipped cream and a dusting of either cinnamon or cocoa powder.

21、Shake the Bols Vodka, Bols Coffee and espresso with ice, strain into the glass, and layer heated cappuccino foam over the top.

22、A spokesman for a big Western firm mutters into his cappuccino about a recent High Court decision, which if upheld would cost his company billions.

23、Choose the flavored cappuccino instead for a fat-free, lower-calorie, lower-sugar alternative that will hit your sweet spot just the same.

24、They extend the length of the square and are the place to sit, drink in the architectural splendours and sip on cappuccino while watching visitors feeding the famous pigeons of St Mark's Square.


