1、The letter was a forgery.

2、This letter is a forgery !

3、But fraud and forgery are illegal.

4、They prevent the forgery of immigration papers.

5、Money forgery in China: Posture and countermeasures;

6、He was found guilty of forgery.

7、This prevents forgery and encourages thorough policy documents.

8、This afternoon Tietz declared the letter to be a forgery.

9、The expert pronounced the picture to be a forgery.

10、As he told me, the fingerprints "screamed forgery."

11、Helpers added to prevent cross-site request forgery attacks.

12、Present invention refers to forgery prevention authenticate system utilizing identifying code to verify note content authenticity.

13、Patented technology, remarkable rampart, protection by law, more reliable forgery prevention.

14、The picture, for which he paid an enormous amount of money, was a forgery.

15、Negotiable instrument forgery is an abnormity form of action on negotiable instrument.

16、But could Leonardo da Vinci also have perpetrated history's greatest art forgery?

17、This feature is strengthened because rather than just warning you, the contents of suspected forgery sites are not displayed.

18、Some theories allege that Obama was born in Kenya, not Hawaii, or that his birth certificate is a forgery.

19、The new scheme not only can resist all forgery attacks, but also has the properties of convertibility and retraction.

20、Skeptics contend the shroud is a medieval hoax or forgery-or even a devotional work of artistic verisimilitude.

21、"Unauthorized signature" means a signature made without actual, implied, or apparent authority. The term includes a forgery.

22、This situation of self-made battlefield and self-propagating smoke is sometimes close to self-masochism, but it is not deception and forgery for themselves.

23、Firefox 3 will also let you know if the site you are visiting appears to be a forgery of a legitimate site.

24、The black-light pen or watermark stylus was a specialized felt-tipped marker originally designed by museums, restores, and forgery police to place invisible marks on items.

25、But when the image analysis was repeated at a greater level of detail, the Wacker forgery was shown to be different.

26、It can provide effective protection for digital media forgery, falsification, authentication, security and intactness by embedding a special mark (digital watermark) into the multimedia data.

27、Krogstad, receiving from Torvald an official notice of his dismissal, wrote in return a letter in which he revealed the full details of the forgery. He dropped the letter in the mailbox outside the Helmer home.

28、Where a witness's testimony or other evidence provided, shown or quoted by a defender or agent ad litem is inconsistent with the facts but is not forged intentionally, it shall not be regarded as forgery of evidence.

29、Sender ID combats a specific type of e-mail forgery known as domain spoofing, which falsifies header information to make a message appear to be from a legitimate sender.

30、Article 25 The forgery, sale or resale or transfer of special hunting and catching licenses, hunting licenses, domestication and breeding licenses, and import and export permits shall be prohibited.