1、correlate the theory with practice

2、Several factors correlate with English ability.

3、Export dependency is another correlate with English.

4、Either of two correlative entities;a correlate.

5、Hatred is a correlate of love.

6、Correlate this option starts only correlate function. The result is stored in correlation matrix.

7、Try to discuss REN Meridian correlate with brain in TCM.

8、Figure 2 shows how all these pieces correlate.

9、You can actually correlate specific processes with running processes.

10、The image helps her correlate the screen with the instructions.

11、correlate one set of data with another set

12、But a preferred environment doesn't always seem to correlate with greater reproductive success.

13、These phases correlate to the SOA life cycles of Model, Assemble, Run, and Manage.

14、Ausearch will correlate the related records using the serial number and present them as a group.

15、This property will be used to correlate consumer and provider interaction at run time.

16、Micrometastasis in SLN and bone marrow maybe correlate with worse prognosis.

17、Three of these were meant to correlate with success at trivia: educational level, IQ and previous experience with the game.

18、Conclusion: Hemoglobin concentration of low level, low reticulocyte counts and exchange transfusion before phototherapy may correlate to failure of phototherapy.

19、A measure of how changes in a share price correlate to overall movements in the share market as a whole.

20、This technology allows scientists to correlate changes in blood flow in specific brain areas to particular behaviors or mental operations.

21、But people of any height who are successful tend to display certain behaviors that correlate with success.

22、The detection of correlate peak is one of bottlenecks of optical signal processing in LPI radar. We devised the smart pixels and RAM camera to solve this problem.

23、Economists who study the relationship between money and happiness have consistently found that, above a certain income, the two do not reliably correlate.

24、Specifically, lesions on the anterior and lateral aspects of the talus and on the medial malleolus correlate with an unfavorable clinical outcome.

25、There are several distinct pathogens: Brucella abortus, B. canis, B. melitensis, B. suis, whose identifications correlate with their reservoirs, respectively, cattle, dogs, goats and sheep, and pigs.

26、It has been found from some investigations that TDS and hardness of drinking water correlate with the lethal rate of heart disease of the local population.

27、It will also reinforce concerns about how "fat-tail", or extreme, risks correlate: might SocGen's risk managers have been too distracted by its subprime woes to keep watch on the futures desk?

28、Event correlation systems that attempt to analyze and correlate audit data from disparate sources try to fill this role, but they often end up generating more false positives than anything else.

29、The traits of intellectual labor make the sum of labor condensed in products correlate positively with the intelligence investment, which does the same to the value of intellectual labor force.

30、Conclusion it is common in infantile diarrhea with fecal occult blood positive, we should correlate the outcome with iconography and etiology to find the cause and the proper treatment.