1、Do you have a beeper?

2、With continuity beeper and bright work light.

3、What is the location of each beeper in the world?

4、His beeper sounded and he picked up the telephone.

5、Find a beeper and deposit it on the origin.

6、A beeper is not always sufficient for your purposes.

7、Do you have a beeper? Yes, I do.

8、It's not like tennis where the little beeper goes off if you cross the line.

9、I'm very sorry, but I've just received an urgent page on my beeper.

10、His parents were given a beeper and told to make plans for his burial.

11、If the beeper beeps the reception is jammed or the voltage of the battery is too low.

12、Theresearchers conducted the study by giving each volunteer a beeper that went offevery two hours or so.

13、Resistance to 400k ohms coupled with a continuity beeper provide the convenience of a multimeter in a clamp meter.

14、Her machine broke, and she's been using her old machine and she doesn't have the beeper for it.

15、If we know the number of beepers that each robot has in its beeper-bag, then the maps in Figure 1-4 completely specify different situations.

16、There, in the middle of the night, we would talk about our favorite books and movies, clothes and relationships, until my beeper went off and pulled me away.

17、Each child will be able to use their matchbox-sized beeper, fitted with GPS (global positioning system) technology, to activate any nearby cameras and alert parents and police via mobile phone.

18、If it is enabled, while the power is low, the power LED on the handheld unit flashes 5 times, and the beeper emits 5 beepers for every 10 minutes or 200 scans.