1、spotless gloves.dirty

2、Impeccably clean;spotless.

3、She keeps the house spotless.

4、She keeps a spotless reputation.

5、A spotless cab pulled up.

6、You want your restaurant to be spotless.

7、He must keep his honor spotless.

8、He is untainted like a spotless lotus.

9、The room was clean and spotless.

10、A spotless body went hand in hand with a spotless home.

11、The kitchen is spotless, and the floors are gleaming white.

12、The sun penetrates the clouds, but it is spotless.

13、Loyalty, even deep loyalty, will never be spotless.

14、The kitchen is spotless. and the floors are gleaming white.

15、It's so clean! The kitchen is spotless, and the floors are gleaming white.

16、My favorite color is white, in my opinion it is a very clean, spotless color.

17、Dartie, who had travelled to Newmarket the night before, arrayed himself in spotless checks.

18、When the morning comes, sunshine makes them look crystal clear, spotless white and adorable.

19、"I can't believe how cold it has been," said Abdullah, 28, donning a thick coat over his spotless robe.

20、Mother loves tidiness very much. No matter how busy she is at work, she will keep the house spotless.

21、She is a reflection of eternal light, a spotless mirror of God's action and an image of his goodness.

22、Lincoln explains that he's earned the title of "trustee" by having a spotless record for almost 30 years.

23、The sky is clean by the autumn wind, and the air is spotless, like an empty basket crystal.

24、NERO - CERAMIDE can be mixed with water, thus it is propitious to be absorbed by skin, making skin white, spotless and transparent.

25、These white water-drops adhere to flowers, grass and trees. When the morning comes, sunshine makes them look crystal clear, spotless white and adorable.

26、 The house is really very good. It has three rooms and one hall. It is well decorated and tidied up. It's a clean house. It's wrong and spotless.

27、 Guests are not young. They are neatly dressed, spotless, quietly speaking, and almost silent when walking on the wooden floor with only a layer of varnish.

28、Whatever your past has been, you have a spotless future.无论过去如何,未来总是崭新的。 ??????

29、The broad streets are spotless, and the smooth Obsidian pavement makes the roads look extraordinarily gorgeous. There are rows of verdant plants on both sides of the corridor, which are particularly lively in the pale buildings.