1、Many citizens support protectionism.

2、It could aggravate protectionism.

3、So it is with protectionism.

4、Nor is it protectionism, claimed Mr Barroso.

5、Persist determinedly in fighting against trade protectionism.

6、defence against special interests and protectionism

7、Mr Liveris is not arguing for protectionism.

8、This same risk aversion translates into protectionism and insularity.

9、There has been somewhat less evidence of trade protectionism.

10、If it is considered the natural reflection of central protectionism, regional protectionism includes a reasonable nucleus-regional benefits.

11、Therefore, to contain local protectionism system innovation is required.

12、But he is nevertheless worried about the sirens of protectionism.

13、The changes don't presage an era of full-blown protectionism.

14、That is why the chief threat they pose is of financial protectionism.

15、They will complain bitterly that this is protectionism, but so what?

16、Both must resist protectionism and assist the vulnerable in poor countries.

17、We reaffirm our previous exchange rate commitments and will resist all forms of protectionism.

18、Local protectionism further undermines and even reverses benefits from decentralization compared with centralized national monopoly.

19、That is why protectionism and the anti-NAFTA campaign, merely other forms of isolationism, are so dangerous.

20、We must safeguard the uniformity and sanctity of the legal system and prevent or overcome local and departmental protectionism.

21、Paulson: I've heard those arguments, and I understand them, but I don't believe that tariffs or protectionism is the answer.

22、With the exception of a China-bashing tyre tariff and a retreat on Mexican trucks, Mr Obama has eschewed protectionism.

23、If unemployment in the U. S. remains high, and growth sluggish, watch nascent protectionism in Congress pick up steam.

24、Tariffs and quotas are the two major forms of trade restrictions ( or protectionism ), which interfere with the free flow of trade among nations.

25、At risk is the single market. Not only is it the most important EU institution for Britain, but without Britain's liberal voice it may well veer towards protectionism.


27、The new non-tariff barrier, including the technical barrier, the environment barrier and the social barrier, is the trade protectionism in the economical reality reflection.

28、When that security slips away, they are more likely to turn to things like protectionism that, over time, may constrict economic growth overall.

29、The report also argues that a more progressive tax system, expanded health care and worker retraining are better ways to respond to the inevitable disruptions trade brings than protectionism.

30、Second, with these policies growing with a vengeance, any Western victory on the renminbi would be pyrrhic as Western firms could be subject to greater murky protectionism by the Chinese authorities.