1、distribution subsystem

2、space-based (subsystem)

3、countable dense subsystem

4、post-processor execution subsystem

5、New tatooing subsystem?

6、Indexing subsystem: The IndexManager class implements this subsystem.

7、This article primarily introduced the correspondence subsystem and alarm subsystem.

8、high data rate storage subsystem

9、Prerequisites for the CPUfreq subsystem.

10、Step 2: Prepare storage subsystem

11、The inside operating subsystem is composed of the anchorage subsystem, the channel subsystem, the berth subsystem and the port & channel attemper subsystem.

12、With each new subsystem added that needs finders in the Article subsystem, the Article subsystem becomes more complex.

13、Online marking system has three parts, the data source subsystem, the marking subsystem, and the management subsystem.

14、The following sections describe the subsystem artifacts.

15、Was a subsystem just a "big" component?

16、The next section covers the deployable subsystem.

17、Each subsystem is called a module.

18、When the contents of an individual subsystem stabilize, you can then divide the subsystem.

19、The equipment consists of proportion subsystem, stabilized soil storing and feeding subsystem, collecting belt conveying subsystem, mixer, water supply subsystem, belt feeding conveyer, mixed material storage bin, control subsystem, etc.

20、Northrop Grumman is responsible for systems engineering, system integration, the beam control subsystem, the power subsystem, the thermal subsystem and C3I.

21、This design contains three parts including rainfall analysis and prediction subsystem, generation of early warning subsystem and maintenance and management subsystem.

22、Three subsystems should be contained in the early warning mechanism of anti-dumping: subsystem of cognizance of dumping, subsystem of industrial damage and subsystem of relevant information.

23、AIX malloc subsystem supports the following allocation policies.

24、The SCSI subsystem is one of these block device drivers.

25、Don't want JMS, just remove that particular subsystem.

26、This function performs a large amount of subsystem initialization.

27、Virtually every important subsystem in UNIX requires its own password.

28、Using redefinition system output, a model of the flexible manipulator is decomposed into input-output subsystem and zero-dynamics subsystem.

29、At last, the search results returned from the searching subsystem are sent to the User Interface subsystem.

30、The system is integrated by the management subsystem of equipment and the supervisory control subsystem of equipment.