1、I could recognize his plod anywhere.

2、He was destined to plod the path of toil.

3、To walk in a laborious, heavy - footed way;plod.

4、They had to plod wearily on up the hill.

5、Do you plod into the office, eyes down, shoulders slumped, and immediately start work?

6、With analytic you just plod your way through the work, reasoning your way to the solution.

7、Serbian proverb goes, "Prijatelj je plod vremena" (friends are the fruits of time).

8、The secret of good work to plod away and still keep the passion fresh.

9、A squeak of wheels and plod of hoofs came from the road.

10、We nust plod away at our task no matter how difficult it is; we mustn't let up on it.

11、Do you plod through the day at the office? Are you so tired by the afternoon that exercise is the last thing on your mind?

12、We fly our flags on holidays and we plod along trying to make it better for ourselves and our children and our parents. We aren't vocal any more.

13、Yet as the case of Gage and numerous subsequent individuals has shown, the self can plod on, albeit changed, after quite radical brain damage.

14、Yet here she was exposed to the sun in a broken-down wagon with a broken-down horse, dirty, sweaty, hungry, helpless to do anything but plod along at a snail's pace through a deserted land.

15、Let Bush plod through his weighty biographies or watch his football games; Barack Obama seconds the sentiment of D. H. Lawrence that "the novel is the one bright book of life."