1、Smoking is a pernicious habit.

2、a pernicious campaign to blacken his character

3、a B vitamin that is used to treat pernicious anemia.

4、The impact on macroeconomic policy was equally pernicious.

5、In present circumstances, revisionism is more pernicious than dogmatism.

6、Black carbon has particularly pernicious effects on frozen regions.

7、This hypersegmented neutrophil is present along with macro-ovalocytes in a case of pernicious anemia.

8、Perhaps the biggest worry for the ITF is that technological changes prove pernicious.

9、I did what I could, but her mother's influence was pernicious.

10、European thistle naturalized in United States and Canada where it is a pernicious weed.

11、A downturn centred on housing will have pernicious effects, even on the regions it hits least.

12、An abnormally large nucleated red blood cell found especially in people having pernicious anemia or certain vitamin deficiencies.

13、There is something to both fears. But inflation is distant and containable, while deflation is at hand and pernicious.

14、Every measure taken to establish more complete control over the former has a pernicious effect on the latter.

15、This is especially pernicious for cross-compiling, since you probably can't run an executable actually created with the cross compiler.

16、The decline has the potential to be especially pernicious because turbines are exponentially sensitive to changes in wind speed.

17、What we "are" is a nebulous concept at best — and pernicious at worst, when we use it to find excuses for acting on unskillful motives.

18、In this paper, that was investigated acquired evidence and analyzed which pernicious accident of a boiler explode. Define accident cause and advanced measure of avoid similar accident happen.

19、"The normal functions of many vitamins are known. Deficiency of specific vitamins can lead to diseases (including Beriberi, neural tube defect, pernicious anemia, rickets, and scurvy)."

20、The Blood profile resembles that of pernicious anemia. Taking folic acid causes rapid improvement; an adequate diet cures cases caused by malnutrition.

21、The eradication of the Gang's pernicious influence is a political task which is of the utmost importance and which has a direct bearing on the consolidation of the dictatorship of the proletariat in China.

22、Drowning or abandoning female infants, a pernicious practice left over from feudal society, occurs much less often now, but has not been stamped out entirely in some remote areas.

23、The kind of paper that purports to show that people who eat more than one kilo of broccoli a week were 1.17 times more likely than those who eat less to suffer late in life from pernicious anaemia.

24、We oppose the one-party dictatorship of the Kuomintang, which is characterized by one party running the country. We should especially prevent the pernicious influence of the Kuomintang from spreading to our Party.

25、Our writers and artists should use their creative works to broaden the people's mental horizons, and continue to fight resolutely against the pernicious influence of Lin Biao and the Gang.

26、"Spinal-cord damage (from bone or joint disease, fracture, or tumour affecting the vertebrae; inflammatory and degenerative diseases; or pernicious anemia) paralyzes the body at and below the level of the damage (paraplegia if the legs and lower body only; quadriplegia if arms and legs)."