1、Alright, alright, Ok now ladies, YEAH!

2、Are you alright?

3、Hectic, but alright.

4、But I'd be alright.

5、I hope she's alright.

6、Is everything alright?

7、SCOTT: Alright, alright. How did you cut this so bad?

8、Alright, alright. He says he can fix it.

9、Do you feel alright today?

10、How are you doing? Are you alright?

11、That's alright. You're a lot of help.

12、Okay, alright, I was sharp shooting.

13、I'm afraid it's too dark in here. Can you work alright? Can you see alright?

14、Kevin: Would nine o 'clock tomorrow morning be alright?

15、We instead the stick with an empty tank, alright?

16、Thank you! You just take it. I am alright.

17、alright. as soon as you finish typing you can go.

18、It's alright. My father is coming to pick me up.

19、It's a little steep. But I'm sure it will be alright.

20、To learn; alright, all in my soup and my vegetable soup.

21、If I win then that would be amazing, if I lose then that's alright.

22、Three quarters of those surveyed believe it's alright to fib if it's to save someone's feelings.

23、世界上最大谎话之一 I'm alright

24、Yes, alright, let's do it. We're gonna take a break. "Never Say Never" opens tomorrow and who... Diddy, Diddy!

25、Or, does your child do alright in school, but seems a bit bored or lacks enthusiasm for learning?

26、Mr. Black: Well, alright. but you make sure to tie up any loose ends before you leave.

27、We always have time enough, if we will but use it alright — Johan Wolfgang von Goethe, German poet and dramatist.

28、Stewart Brand wrote in CoEvolution Quarterly: "Ecology is a whole system, alright, but coevolution is a whole system in time.

29、We're already in a patriarchal context because the question is phrased as, is it alright for a man to divorce his wife?

30、By and large, these are very nice kids, and as the band The Who used to sing, "The kids are alright."