1、Sure you don't wanna pretzel?

2、a pretzel made of soft bread.

3、I always wanted to open a hot pretzel store, and Philly pretzel factory has the classic traditional pretzel product that I love.

4、At least let me pay for your pretzel.

5、Meanwhile, Eddie takes a pretzel from the pretzel cart without paying for it and is confronted by Joan.

6、Where are the pictures that that creepy pretzel vendor took of us together?

7、When pitching he looked, in the words of the catcher, "like a pretzel gone loony."

8、Weave the loose end on the right around and behind the right lobe of the pretzel.

9、The first citation for pretzel in English comes in the 1820s in a collection called Antiquities of Long Island.

10、When you hear the word "yoga," do you think of a person with his legs twisted up like a pretzel?

11、I also spoke to an owner of an independent pretzel store I found on Long Island. I wanted to learn more about the pretzel business from the owner to see if it was something I wanted to pursue.

12、In January 2010 researchers reported using a computer-controlled hologram to twist beams of laser light into pretzel shapes.

13、Yoga for Surfers is not about twisting yourself into a pretzel or executing a perfect pose. You don't need go to a gym.

14、Lyla danced on air and, in the morning, found herself on the kitchen floor or coiled into a pretzel in her mother's garden.

15、So, if the river of time can be bent into a pretzel, create whirlpools and fork into two rivers, then time travel cannot be ruled out, "he said."

16、The word pretzel comes either from the Latin pretiole, which means "little gift", or from the Italian bracciatelli, which means "small arms".

17、While watching a football game at the White House in 2002, Bush choked on a pretzel and fell off his couch, leading to the bruises seen in this photo.

18、If Bush coughed and coughed to get rid of the pretzel, he could also have fainted from that, Ravich said, simplyshavingsone's trachea blocked by food can also cause a faint.

19、But at one of his first public lectures that I attended, I found my intellectual sensibilities twisting into a pretzel as he threw back his magnificent head and intoned: "Gravity is Love."

20、Lyla danced on air and, in the morning, found herself on the kitchen floor or coiled into a pretzel in her mother's garden. Some mornings, she woke up with a prize in her hand.

21、When the rig sank, the riser broke near the top while remaining attached to the blowout preventer at the bottom, bending itself like a pretzel in its subsequent collapse.
