1、Buy locally grown produce.

2、organically grown tomatoes

3、How tall you've grown!

4、I have grown up.

5、I have grown up!

6、How tall you' ve grown !

7、I've grown up that way.

8、I am grown up, dearest.

9、Our bilateral trade has grown.

10、You're a grown man, David.

11、by federal paternalism grown too mighty; by power groups grown too arrogant; by politics grown too corrupt; by crime grown too rampant; by morals grown too low; by taxes grown too high; by extremists grown too violent;

12、Subsidize locally grown, organic plant-food production.

13、The company has also grown internationally.

14、Since then, our relationship has grown tremendously.

15、Since then, things have grown more contentious.

16、It has grown up with a vengeance.

17、Organically grown produce does not differ greatly in appearance from conventionally grown crops.

18、Organically grown plants contain higher levels of B12 than plants grown non-organically with chemical fertilizers.

19、Some can be grown in very hot or cold climates.

20、That's what almost every colored grown-up I knew did.

21、His art had grown steadily shallower as he grew older.

22、It can be grown in warm to hot climates.

23、The two sisters may have started as twins but, as they have grown older, they have grown apart.

24、Since 2005 applications from China have grown by 210% as the country has developed a home-grown high-tech sector.

25、The protein content of shade-grown vegetation, for example, was much lower than that for plants grown in clearings.

26、Plants grown in the Martian soil were larger and healthier than others grown in water alone or in water mixed with ground-up Hawaiian 5 lava rock.

27、Apart from jute, no other crops are grown in Muslim settlements, and the livelihoods of 30 million inhabitants depend on rice grown in Hindu settlements.

28、fully grown; he didn't fully understand; knew full well; (`full' is used as a combining form as in `full-grown' or `full-fledged').

29、High-quality rice is self-grown, chickens, ducks and fish are self-raised, vegetables are also self-grown, living a self-sufficient and happy life.