1、mentalistic linguistics

2、anthropological linguistics

3、Chinese minority linguistics

4、comparative linguistics, religion, etc

5、Philosophical conflict between cognitive linguistics and formalist linguistics;

6、Netlanguage variation in perspectives of psychological linguistics and cognitive linguistics

7、comparative [descriptive, general, historical] linguistics

8、linguistic sophistication = sophistication in linguistics

9、descriptive linguistics simply describes language.

10、Whether the traditional linguistics, structuralist linguistics or transformational-generative linguistics all thought linguistics studied only language itself.

11、the founding fathers of modern linguistics

12、Major Differences Between Neurocognitive Linguistics and Neurolinguistics;

13、(linguistics) not conforming to standard usage.

14、(linguistics) in use after Medieval times.

15、(linguistics) formed by inflection or derivation.

16、On referential function of Saussure’s Lectures on General Linguistics on social linguistics;

17、The major differences between systemic-functional linguistics and transformational generative linguistics;

18、The linguistics of art is a new linguistics branch founded by professor Luo Xiaosuo.

19、Listen to part of a lecture in a linguistics class.

20、The secretary had diplomas in both education and linguistics.

21、He is going to major in comparative linguistics.

22、Translation is an important part of linguistics. Pragmatics, a new field in linguistics, has an effective explanation to translation.

23、But must linguistics then be combined with sociology?

24、Students may pursue research in any aspect of computational linguistics.

25、The loan words are the priorities that were firstly researched in the contact linguistics which are the show learning in the modern linguistics.

26、As a stronghold of medieval linguistics study, modern Shishuo Xinyu linguistics study has made great achievements in lexics, wording and rhetoric studies.

27、This paper considers his contribution to Fuzzy linguistics in his work in five aspects: (1) a new approach to fuzzy linguistics supported by adequate evidence;

28、An attempt is made to analyze cognitive linguistics from a semiotic perspective.

29、English phonetics classification constitutes a theoretical issue in modern linguistics and English phonetics.

30、The English phonetics and phonology are two major branches of the English linguistics.