1、electrical subcontractor

2、domestic subcontractor

3、Science Applications International Corp. is the subcontractor.

4、Are you a preparer or a subcontractor?

5、Technical Department: Participating subcontractor audit process, leading subcontractor technical aspect including equipment evaluation. Providing technical support to subcontractor, if necessary.

6、Purchase Department: Research, collect and provided potential qualified subcontractor, conduct subcontractor assessment and audit activities.

7、Coordination with subcontractor, supplier, internal department and customer.

8、Monitor and help subcontractor on HSE management, audit subcontractors.

9、The management of subcontractor become more and more important.

10、Job Objective: Supervise the subcontractor on site, make sure the subcontractor work meet Durr standard and satisfy the main time schedule.

11、WARNING subcontractor if the regular appraisal score lower than 75; STOP order to subcontractor immediately if the regular appraisal score low than 70.

12、"Subcontractor" as used in this clause shall include Seller's subcontractors at any tier.

13、Arrange production according to client lead time requirement and subcontractor capacity and capability.

14、The company was considered as a possible subcontractor to build the aeroplane.

15、The specimens shall be tested by the qualified subcontractor with the supervision of the independent personnel.

16、We do not accept subcontracting of test to qualified subcontractor of SGS-CSTC.

17、Such insurance shall also cover the actions of a subcontractor or subSUPPLIER that the SUPPLIER may utilize under this Agreement.

18、We can contract to build turn-key plant, undertake single items of projects as a subcontractor or provide labor services.

19、At the time Apple claimed that Foxconn had cleaned up its act and it would continue to use the subcontractor.

20、The person mentioned in the story worked as a subcontractor for a production company during the opening ceremony.

21、During the execution of contract, you found one subcontractor of your seller was working as per a wrong specification.

22、This paper introduces the engineering of the subcontractor labor the problems existing in the management, and these problems to solve method.

23、With individual named projects, you will only accept our work from us and not, unless with our prior agreement, from another our subcontractor.

24、Combined with the problems existed in HSE management of subcontractor and contracted workforce under EPC modal, HSE control in the management of project subcontracting has been discussed.

25、141 we can contract to build turn-key plant, undertake single items of projects as a subcontractor or provide labor services.

26、If contractor or subcontractor personnel change during the course of work, the new personnel must be trained prior to commencing work.

27、the subcontractor has agreed to execute, complete and maintain the subcontract works upon the terms hereinafter appearing and perform all obligations and liabilities of the subcontract works under the main contract.

28、Definition of subcontractor: a business entity in the supply chain which, directly or indirectly, provides the supplier with goods and/or services Integral to, and utilized in/for, the production of the supplier‘s and/or company‘s goods and/or services.

29、In an affidavit, the subcontractor said that the English translation of his email did not convey his intent and that "there is a conflict between American and Chinese culture and expressions."

30、I have six years of experience, two as an apprentice and four as a licensed electrician, handling all kinds of electrical installations, working with electrical contractors, and as a subcontractor.