1、The mangrove forests are evergreen.

2、"protect coral reefs, mangrove andfishingresource"

3、Xinfeng Mangrove Wetland is a big piece shade, constituting a big piece of mangrove and black mangrove woods.

4、coastal salt marshes and mangrove swamps

5、Mangrove solonchak is a special type of soil under mangrove vegetation.

6、Aims mangrove plants are usually categorized as true mangrove plants and semi-mangrove plants on the basis of their distribution in inter-tidal regions.

7、The value of the mangrove ecosystem and its pollution problems.

8、Only 6.9 percent of mangrove forests are protected by law.

9、Wastewater treatment with constructed mangrove wetland system:A review

10、Phytoplankton diversity in Futian mangrove wetland of Shenzhen:Composition and distribution

11、The mangroves here are mainly mangrove, mangrove, tomato, tomato, olive, water coconut, hornfruit, white bone soil and other varieties.

12、Under favourable conditions, mangrove trees can grow to large sizes.

13、This article summarized former mangrove researches in Leizhou Peninsula and described the mangrove species, associations and their structure in Leizhou Peninsula based on the author's investigation.

14、Small boats swam into the mangrove, mangrove blossoms and fruits one after another, birds nested in trees and raised them, whispering.

15、Measure light intensity above and under the mangrove canopy by using the light meter.

16、Scientists realized something similar while mapping the mangrove forests of the world.

17、The present invention relates to mangrove plant seed bag for seeding and its seeding method.

18、It has destroyed the mangrove ecosystem and Marine life in the bay.

19、Five-year-old had been playing by river in mangrove swamp at time of his disappearance.

20、"Notice any special feature shown by different mangrove species, which is important for their adaptation to the environment."

21、Two new polyhydroxylated sterols from the mangrove fungus Aspergillus awamori and the endo-boat conformation adopted by cyclohexene oxide system

22、We can also protect the reefs by protecting the surrounding ecosystems, like mangrove forests and seagrass beds.

23、The species composition, structure, physiognomy and succession of mangrove community near Aotou port, Daya are disscussed in this paper.


25、In Latin America, mullets and snappers are among the most common fish caught in and around mangrove areas.

26、In Singapore, Hongkong and Malaysia, there is an established demand for mangrove piling poles used in land reclamation and the construction industry.

27、The meandering waterways of mangrove reveal stunning limestone outcrops sculptured with sheer cliffs, caves, stalactites and dense vegetation which resemble the shapes of Pekinese dog and elephant.

28、When I came to the foot of the hill, I looked up and saw that the maple trees on the hillside were as mangrove as a fire.

29、Numbers of fish species and the three biodi-versity indices in creek tidal waters were all higher than that in mangrove-fringed tidal waters.