1、He received his dues.

2、She received medication?

3、subscription received in advance

4、They received us coldly.

5、item received in advance

6、Ten received stem cells and four received a placebo.

7、He received my suggestion coolly.

8、The boy received a jab.

9、She was warmly [coldly] received.

10、progress payments and advances received

11、He received a threatening letter.

12、The telescreen received and transmitted simultaneously.

13、I received an email yesterday from Henry.

14、Happily I received notice of my admission.

15、All Mace received with a smooth stone.

16、I have received your notice to quit.

17、Before Mr Larsson received his implantable device, patients had received pacing from huge external devices.

18、Received BY: Record name of housekeeping clerk who received the found items turned in.

19、In total, 10, 096 trauma patients received tranexamic acid and 10, 115 received placebo.

20、A lucky charm, karma matchmaker! The single received the fate is approaching, all lovers received best, married received family happiness! Wish you happy the Qixi Festival!

21、Results A total of 1343 patients (13.2%) received aprotinin, 6776 patients (66.8%) received aminocaproic acid, and 2029 patients (20.0%) received no antifibrinolytic therapy.

22、Imagine his exultation when he received an offer from Harvard.

23、The ASA received complaints about the AD over four issues.

24、He received a prize for excellence in mathematics.

25、Instead of punishment, George received praise for telling the truth.

26、Test results received today are also negative for H5N1 infection.

27、The aspects received by the Ascendant are in this case more powerful than those received by the ruler.

28、Children of observation group received TEP, while children of control group living in ordinary ward received conventional care.

29、It was so contagious that any native who received news of the Spaniards' arrival could also have received the infection.