1、What causes social phobia?

2、What is social phobia?

3、This is one of speech phobia and social phobia.

4、One who has a phobia.

5、I have a phobia for [.

6、learning to control one's phobia about flying

7、I have a phobia for [about] airplanes

8、I have a phobia for airplanes.

9、Usually a phobia originates in childhood.

10、This kind of phobia may involve some other phobia as well like maybe claustrophobia.

11、Dislike of snakes or spiders is a common phobia.

12、The teens were also evaluated for social phobia.

13、It's an insect phobia, but not a legged insect phobia. I don't panic about centipedes and beetles.

14、A spokesman for phobia charity Anxiety UK said: "Around 13 per cent of Brits suffer a phobia of some form."

15、Sometimes, the result of extreme paranoia is a phobia.

16、The pressure resulted from phobia is increasingly bigger. The phobia was cured after he went to see a psychotherapist and received medical treatment.

17、Dolores has what amounts to a phobia of beings that are not quite, or wholly, human.

18、However, animal behaviourists say there is no evidence of rodent-phobia among any mammal.

19、These included attention-deficit disorder (see article), post-traumatic stress disorder and social phobia.

20、The effect of painless running on improving college students psychology of running phobia;

21、The taxonomy of school refusal - from school phobia to truancy - is complicated, and it has changed over time.

22、Analysis on 16PF test and comparative study on rearing styles of parents of patients with social phobia

23、These two types of social phobia have similar physical symptoms: dry mouth, sweating, severe heart, go to the bathroom.

24、Emetophobia is the kind of phobia in which the person is afraid of vomiting or vomiting in public.

25、Results The SCL-90 total score, total mean score, positive symptom items, somatization, anxiety, hostile, phobia, paranoia, psychsis subscale in primary school teachers were higher than the norm.

26、A doctor can tell that a person has social phobia if the person has had symptoms for at least 6 months.

27、Medicine for the treatment of psychological phobia, the most simple way is Chinese diet, therapeutic method of Chinese medicine treatment of psychological fear of how it?


29、Another study showed that patients with social phobia to pay norepinephrine levels in cerebrospinal fluid than in patients with panic disorder and normal control group, but no definite conclusions.

30、From Barbie dolls programmed to say "math class is tough" to ministers of state who will parse and analyse a sentence but refuse to answer "what's half of three-quarters?", maths-phobia is everywhere.