1、We warmly greet your resounding victories.

2、The answer is a resounding no!

3、And the answer is a resounding, "No!"

4、The answer is a resounding yes!!

5、To strike or smash into with resounding impact.

6、Her new novel is resounding in the entire nation.

7、I heard our harmonies resounding from the stadium's giant speakers.

8、Soon afterwards, Eclipse 3.1 was released to resounding interest.

9、The answer you get will likely be a resounding "yes!"

10、Hold you in your hand, religiously burn incense, cut off a candle, light up Jinglun, do not ask for resounding Qi, resounding Qi, making sentences.]Just one courtship.

11、The answer is, the way i see it, a resounding positive yes.

12、This view may have brought Nazcas desert figures their earliest and most resounding success.

13、Like Jin Yong's thick, cold, as well as strange, romantic, resounding.

14、1.(of sight) clear and bright; 2.(of sound) clear; ringing; clear and resounding

15、For the Second City's business community, the answer is a resounding yes.

16、The next gale that sweeps from the north will bring to our ears the clash of resounding arms!

17、The first album of the Filipino singer has been a resounding success, making a record sale of 1.3 million copies.

18、A resounding recovery, almost 20 points gained in last three RACES: when did you realize that you would have won?

19、The answer was not, as it usually is, a flat-out no: it was a resounding perhaps.

20、As for my grandpa, his Yaolin Qiongshu and Jing Bianwang are as accurate and resounding as their guns. They are awesome and well-known.

21、Often in a song, stop, think deeply, jump in the notes of some of the past, once thought is still resounding.

22、Calderon stressed that he personally still opposed legalisation, but his willingness to debate the idea was, for some, a resounding crack in the international drug policy edifice.

23、Their aim was to devise a strategy that would guarantee Ronald Reagan's resounding reelection to a second term in the White House.

24、The streets were growing livelier all the time, with displays everywhere of candy made into the shape of melons to honour the Kitchen God, and cries of "Malt candy! " resounding on every side.

25、This is the world of thunder, thunder roaring, resounding through the clouds, a path of purple lightning, like dragons wandering between the heavens and the earth, tearing up space, shining.

26、The innumerable heavens and earth were all poured into the cabin, and there was a faint flash of thunder in the sky, and the humming echoed constantly, resounding through the clouds.

27、For a time, the golden drums on both sides of the sky, the tide of four wild ants gathered, people and horses galloping, shouting, shouting murder, earth-shaking, resounding through the clouds.

28、The most memorable Pearl Beach Falls, about 40 meters of drop, momentum like rainbow waterfalls like jade ribbons floating, like a white lady off the axis, from about 200 meters wide on the cliff, water and stone collision, splash, resounding, breathtaking.