1、Confused about swine flu?

2、swine atrophic rhinitis

3、swine transmissible gastroenteritis

4、potted mince of swine

5、Can humans catch swine flu?

6、nutrient requirements of growing swine

7、Do you remember swine flu?

8、head and cut of swine

9、The [swine flu] virus is now unstoppable.

10、There are several swine in the piggery .

11、Classical swine fever (CSF), a highly contagious disease of swine, was caused by classical swine fever virus (CSFV).

12、Some people have died from swine flu.

13、God, what a swine Bertrand is.

14、Therefore prevention of JE in swine can benefit for swine production and health of human being.

15、The swine bone collagen peptide was obtained by enzymatic hydrolysis of swine bone gelatin.

16、What are signs of swine flu in pigs?

17、No cases of swine flu were confirmed there.

18、H1N1 swine flu continues to roam the planet.

19、When will the swine flu vaccine be available?

20、Purification of swine serum ceruloplasmin and effect of ceruloplasmin on growth hormone secretion of swine pituitary cells in vitro

21、Now I think I was just casting pearls before swine.

22、In the early days of the swine flu outbreak, doctors took swabs and tested people for swine flu.

23、Swine influenza (swine flu) is an acute viral infection of the respiratory tract in pigs caused by type A influenza virus.

24、This experiment is to study the relationships between nutrient contents and physical properties of swine slurries in order to estimate fertilizer value of swine slurries.

25、As a rule the swine infested with the lungworms carrying the "masked virus" did not develop swine influenza immediately upon infestation with the lungworm.

26、Old World wild swine having a narrow body and prominent tusks from which most domestic swine come; introduced in United States.

27、Swine influenza viruses may circulate among swine throughout the year, but most outbreaks occur during the late fall and winter months similar to outbreaks in humans.

28、At this stage of the swine flu investigation, such data are sorely lacking.

29、Some people have reported diarrhea and vomiting associated with swine flu.