1、predetermined code

2、predetermined value

3、predetermined motion time system

4、predetermined behaviour, strategies, responses

5、They don’t have predetermined expectations fogging theirjudgment.

6、We met at the predetermined time.

7、A person's health is often genetically predetermined.

8、So I wasn't determined or predetermined to make that choice.

9、Calculate the predetermined overhead rate based on direct Labour hours.

10、The getopts command uses a couple of predetermined variables.

11、Also, when a predetermined digital broadcasting program is edited, editable navigation data corresponding to the predetermined digital broadcasting program can also be recorded.

12、The second stage maintains the flow rate within a predetermined range about a target flow rate.

13、Selecting the problem category from a list of predetermined, or dynamic, problem categories.

14、The doll is programmed to complain for a predetermined period, regardless of burping technique.

15、The capsules can be made to release the pesticides at a predetermined time.

16、This is cumbersome and requires the use of a computer or published tables of predetermined values.

17、Another approach (which the Benchmark class USES) is simply to execute the task continuously for a predetermined, reasonably long time.

18、Acting to discontinue a military attack on the occurrence of any of a variety of predetermined conditions.

19、Price of share B predetermined price of share A, while there is no price predetermination at Shenzhen stock exchange.

20、affecting securities trading prices or volume by conducting securities transactions with each other or by buying or selling each other's securities at a predetermined time and price and through a predetermined method in collaboration with other people;

21、Analysis shows that the test, this system reaches the predetermined target, and has the certain application value.

22、Has not twentieth-century art shown that naturalism does not necessarily follow abstraction in some kind of predetermined sequence?

23、In portfolio selection model based on dependent-chance programming, we maximize the probability of the event that the total return rate is not smaller than a predetermined value.

24、The image data reduction part (04A) reduces the given image data at a predetermined reduction rate to generate a reduced image data.

25、Thus, in order to provide timely cost data, factory overhead costs are assigned or applied to production by using a predetermined rate.

26、A network control program function that presents an interruption to indicate that a predetermined period of time has elapsed without the occurrence of an expected event.

27、Senior organizers said they had never been involved in such a high-level summit meeting where the outcome was not predetermined.

28、The skipping of various instructions as developed by a predetermined set of programming conditions. If a conditional jump is not used, the next instructions would follow in the normal proper sequence.

29、When the second lighting mode is selected, the illuminator will not be turned on during the first predetermined period from the point at which the main switch is turned off.

30、A minimum measurable height is inevitable for each measuring system. When the oil level in tank is lower than this minimum, a measuring error larger than predetermined value may be caused.