1、inclusion cleanliness

2、She is obsessional about cleanliness.

3、Personal cleanliness is important for health.

4、a negligent housekeeper; negligent about personal cleanliness.

5、But cleanliness comes with a price, too.

6、You know, cleanliness is close to...

7、Being perfectionists, they like order and cleanliness in their home.

8、CLEANLINESS. Tolerate no uncleanliness in body, clothes, or habitation.

9、a fastidious and incisive intellect; fastidious about personal cleanliness.

10、Shock absorber sliding tube is correct extension and cleanliness.

11、Europe's reputation for cleanliness has already taken some knocks.

12、HEPA supply outlet diffusion perforation panel influences cleanroom air velocity field, cleanliness, cleanliness recovery characteristic and resistance of the diffusion panel.

13、However, as the cleanliness and purification rituals found in many religions suggest, physical cleanliness, too, is linked to moral behaviour, so she decided to investigate this as well.

14、Ironically it's not just the pollutants that are doing us in. It may be too much cleanliness-or rather, cleanliness of a certain sort.

15、Check the outdoor advertisements to ensure the cleanliness of our posters, flags, signs and banners.

16、Obstetrician Oliver Wendell Holmes (1809-1894) established an early link between infection, surgeons' attire and cleanliness.

17、These tests are gross cleanliness inspections as stated in the ASTM Standard A 380 (1996).

18、But is that because the brain somehow links physical and moral cleanliness?

19、Their lodgings were always kept with a soldierly cleanliness and order.

20、The less people gather in one place, the less they find evil, the evil and the bad. The cleanliness of the air contributes greatly to the cleanliness of fashion.

21、Scientists actually connect the rising rates of asthma and allergies in the West to our overzealous cleanliness.

22、Study on S34MnV cleanliness during the process of crank steel produced by the EAF-LF(VD)-VT

23、The white clothing conveyed an image of cleanliness, according to Carême—and in his realm, appearance was everything.

24、By this delicacy, with our special product series, we provide cleanliness, comfort and grace to your leisure space.

25、The objective of sand reclamation is make good casting, not to reclaim sand to a given level of cleanliness.

26、You are quite likely to agree on most subjects. Virgo's are work, security and cleanliness oriented. When two of you get together in this capacity.

27、Long Term belts and devices are those which can be worn for much longer periods of time because they allow for normal bodily functions and cleanliness.

28、On a broader level, even the advantages of hydrogen, such as the efficiency and cleanliness of fuel cells, may not be as invincible as expected.