1、macroeconomic management

2、aggregate macroeconomic change

3、macroeconomic objectives(or targets)

4、system of macroeconomic management

5、average macroeconomic performance

6、To institute flexible macroeconomic policies

7、The macroeconomic environment, too, remains troublesome.

8、macroeconomic control mechanism of the central bank

9、We must re-adjust macroeconomic policy.

10、Reform the macroeconomic administration, transform the functions of government.

11、The best insurance against protectionism, however, is macroeconomic stimulus.

12、There are macroeconomic benefits as well, says Mr Kuijs.

13、Assignments include problem sets and written discussions of macroeconomic events.

14、Analysis of macroeconomic system using robust control theory

15、Based on the analysis of China's macroeconomic situation in 2010, this paper makes projections of main macroeconomic trend for 2011 and provides some suggestion about economic policies.

16、Economists in a separate premise build their consumption theories and models, which has laid a solid foundation for macroeconomic research and empirical analysis of macroeconomic theory.

17、The government has made excellent progress during 2001-04 in macroeconomic stabilization and structural reform.

18、We particularly need social stability, strong and accountable governments with sound macroeconomic policies.

19、Broadly speaking, his government has stuck to the responsible macroeconomic policies that have kept inflation low.

20、The characteristics of Harbin eco-tourism resources and the macroeconomic policy of development;

21、So far, the growth gains have come from macroeconomic stability and deregulation.

22、Overall, the mainland's mix of macroeconomic adjustment measures should be conducive to a healthier pace of economic growth.

23、We will ensure our macroeconomic policies are appropriate to support growth, strengthen demand and promote global rebalancing.

24、Thus the macroeconomic policy mix should be dollar supportive in the short run but dollarsubversive in the longer term.

25、It is important in investment analysis whether there is harmony of stock market price trend and macroeconomic.

26、On a visit to Managua in July, the IMF's deputy head praised Nicaragua's "courageous" efforts to maintain macroeconomic stability.

27、This high volatility is expected to continue and the negative impacts will accumulate at country and household levels as the macroeconomic impact of the present financial crisis unfolds.

28、This paper estimates the macroeconomic cost of carbon dioxide (CO2) emission abatement in China, employing the input-output analysis with the multi-objective programming approach.

29、Particularly when the markets are so uncertain, we find that what is meant to be a lighthearted view is as eagerly read as our macroeconomic research reports.

30、Hyman Minsky and James Tobin credited Fisher's Debt-Deflation Theory as a crucial precursor of their theories of macroeconomic financial instability.