1、NAS (network attached storage)

2、DAS (direct attached storage)

3、link attached network control program

4、A block of attached houses.

5、seemingly attached(to each other)

6、remoras found attached to sharks.

7、channel-attached network control program

8、One proviso is attached to this legacy.

9、We've grown very attached to this house.

10、Supports shall be attached to structural steel.

11、S20 (an option with an attached argument).

12、And there was so much stigma attached.

13、The point on a stem where a leaf is attached or has been attached;a joint.

14、You can even change motors with the pinion still attached!

15、President Hoover's successor attached even more importance to this problem.

16、Unzip the attached zip file into the directory.

17、Two CD-ROMs are attached to the Teacher's Book.

18、Eg: he attached an aerial to the radio.

19、Six one years ago, south teacher attached elementary school established the " south teacher attached elementary school fund ".

20、The tray can be attached to an astronaut's lap by a strap or attached to a wall.

21、Article48 No condition may be attached to a guaranty. A guaranty with conditions attached shall not affect the liability of guaranty on the bill of exchange.

22、Mesh( vertices) or skin is attached to the bones. Hence, when the bones move/ rotate, the vertices attached to the bone also move/ rotate.

23、Finally, this paper also set character table for the words have been known, the words can be attached and not attached characters, to facilitate further research.

24、The three-generation leaders of the Party attached and have attached great importance to the interests and the role of the people.

25、To be attached to a lover for moral character is always a beautiful thing.

26、Biosensors attached to the body send data by wire or radio.

27、The firm had a major storehouse attached to its factory in Walsall.

28、Conclusions The early treatment of SAP, specially FAP should been attached importance to.

29、He also made a hundred pomegranates and attached them to the chains.