1、It seems to be worsening.

2、The overall situation is worsening.

3、Identify warning signs of worsening depression.

4、The political situation is steadily worsening.

5、The Delta region's lawlessness is worsening.

6、Some Americans feel the worsening mood reflects Western mistakes too.

7、The process or condition of worsening or degenerating.

8、Tethered cord syndrome is a progressively worsening disorder.

9、And what's more important there's no tendency for its worsening.

10、However the backwater quality is worsening increasingly in recent years.

11、NATO enlargement makes Russia face compressed strategic space and worsening geopolitical circumstance.

12、Credit for the rest of the economy will become more dear as well, worsening the recession.

13、Indeed, though the weekly death toll goes up and down, the strife is worsening.

14、Job cuts, slumping asset prices and a worsening credit drought augur ill for consumer spending too.

15、China will carry out a lifelong accountability system for polluters to arrest worsening soil pollution.

16、The worsening global shortage could render millions of dollars of high-value life-saving equipment totally useless.

17、Morphine deadens pain by acting at nerve synapses, but it also activates glial cells, possibly worsening the drug's side effects, such as drowsiness, tolerance, worsening of pain, and addiction.

18、The increased involvement of government with economic life has coincided with a marked worsening of economic performance.

19、The security problems with the nowadays HEE Exam inclusively are: a worsening circumstances and a sharp security contradiction;

20、It is undeniable that the worsening environment has become the biggest concern of the present-day world.

21、For several years, the situation of heritage in Venice has been worsening, and it has now reached a dramatic situation, Tabet told UNESCO.

22、Last year's addition of a lane to the nearby Green Highway was followed by a worsening of traffic jams on it.

23、It is an worsening real-life phenomenon that encompasses behavior ranging from indifference and rudeness to naked hostility and even physical violence.

24、As the world's food security falls to pieces, individual countries acting in their own self-interest are actually worsening the troubles of many.

25、There may actually be a worsening of credit availability to small-and medium-sized businesses in the next year or so.

26、However, Cmar says that as transportation into the country has become more advanced, more invasive species have come in on boats and planes, thus worsening the problems posed to ecosystems.

27、"Its deficit would indicate that long-term trends were worsening a country's payment position, while its surplus would indicate that long-term trends were strengthening the country's balance of payments."

28、The Tobacco& Alcohol Monopoly Bureau has placed an order to import5 million bottles of- vi jiu( rice wine) in anticipation of the worsening shortage around the lunar new year.

29、But, inasmuch as the falling price of oil (and that of other commodities) is a symptom of worsening economic troubles in America and beyond, it may be merely a confirmation of their fears.