1、ecclesiastical building

2、civil [ecclesiastical] polity

3、A sphere of ecclesiastical authority.

4、This is peculiarly true of ecclesiastical administration.

5、The study of ecclesiastical architecture and ornamentation.

6、Dressed or clothed, especially in ecclesiastical vestments.

7、A similar authorized tribunal having military or ecclesiastical jurisdiction.

8、My ambition was to travel upwards in the ecclesiastical hierarchy.

9、a loose-fitting white ecclesiastical gown with wide sleeves.

10、A member of an ecclesiastical or similar chapter.

11、The ecclesiastical "vernal equinox" is always on March 21.

12、of or relating to a musical mode; especially written in an ecclesiastical mode.

13、An ornamental draping of cloth hung from the shoulders of an academic or ecclesiastical robe.

14、The right to grant an ecclesiastical benefice to a member of the clergy.

15、The branch of ecclesiastical history or hagiography that deals with martyrs.

16、We have therefore decided to begin with preferment to ecclesiastical dignities .

17、A plot of land belonging or yielding profit to an English parish church or an ecclesiastical office.

18、The kingdom of the left hand describes the exercise of power in the ecclesiastical and civil realms.

19、He went to Rome, probably about 360, where he was baptized, and became interested in ecclesiastical matters.

20、A belt or sash, especially one worn with an ecclesiastical vestment or the habit of a monk or nun.

21、The "full moon" in the rule is the ecclesiastical full moon, which is defined as the fourteenth day of a tabular lunation, where day 1 corresponds to the ecclesiastical New Moon.

22、An official who was formerly sent to carry out the orders of a civil or ecclesiastical court.

23、In a back room, on the first floor, two or three lots of old silk, ecclesiastical vestments, were lying in a corner.

24、CANON LXXXI: We have said that a Bishop, or a Presbyter must not descend himself into public offices, but must attend to ecclesiastical needs.

25、Jeffs is ecclesiastical head of the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, an offshoot of mainstream Mormonism that believes polygamy brings exaltation in heaven.

26、He has congregations to reprove, privileges to grant, a whole ecclesiastical library to examine,-- prayer-books, diocesan catechisms, books of hours, etc.

27、There are no such things as marble kisses or ice kisses, or I should say my ecclesiastical cousin's salute belonged to one of these classes;

28、This mandate finally acknowledged that crimes against children should take priority over bureaucratic church policies that served to cloak rogue priests and bishops in a fog of ecclesiastical evasion.