1、supernumerary; extra; screen extra

2、Extra clothes, extra gadgets... and extra fat.

3、extra pay for extra work

4、Extra bed MOP180 including 1 extra breakfast

5、She tried extra hard.

6、extra thick sheet glass

7、extra-high-tension insulator

8、Save that extra paycheck!

9、extra whole tongue sausage

10、Packing and postage is extra.

11、Learn some extra-curricular knowledge.

12、What configurations need extra processing?

13、a missing (an extra) number

14、extra-large orifice sprinkler system

15、With Aloe Vera and Apricot oil extra.

16、That extra time is very noticeable.

17、Take extra care when it's humid.

18、I participated in several extra curriculum activities.

19、So now you get an extra bonus.

20、Has many space inside compartment. Extra space for your extra gear even a toiletries kit.

21、Disability can make extra demands on financial resources because the disabled need extra care.

22、Sword Specialization: This talent's free extra attacks can no longer trigger additional extra attacks.

23、Tomboy: Two Big Macs with extra cheese and a coke, extra large!

24、Data conversions involve extra processing and reconciliation steps.

25、Typically poor, the extra layer reflects too much ambient light.

26、You can use two nappies for extra absorbency at night.

27、A bundle of extra "fancy starch" had come in.

28、It could make extra training and instruction affordable.

29、Maybe you encourage me to eat an extra meal there, but as we discussed, is that a profitable extra meal?

30、This is cheapest because usually you have an extra on-board NIC and an extra port on your switch somewhere.