1、glacial indifference, politeness

2、acetic acid, glacial

3、Her expression was glacial.

4、Change occurs at a glacial pace.

5、Researchers call it the glacial buzz-saw.

6、But I can see glacial ice.

7、An elongated hill or ridge of glacial drift.

8、Relations between the two countries had always been glacial.

9、The glacial epoch lasted for thousands of years.

10、Ice age refers to the latest glacial epoch.

11、A depression left in a mass of glacial drift, formed by the melting of an isolated block of glacial ice.

12、Additionally, samples from glacial and non-glacial sand and gravel aquifers consistently had more occurrences of trace elements in groundwater than samples from other aquifers.

13、Isotopic analysis of shells allowed geologists to measure another glacial effect.

14、In all these diverse regions, Agassiz saw signs of glacial erosion and sedimentation.

15、Now, thanks to the glacial pace of change, Japan's relevance globally is waning.

16、Water quality characteristics and treatability evaluation on the source water from glacial snowmelt

17、The substances making up of loess on the northern slop of Tian Shan Mountains and Iii Basin are carried by dust storm not only in glacial but in inter-glacial.

18、High carbon dioxide levels are associated with warm interglacial periods, and low levels with cold glacial periods.

19、The methane concentration nearly doubled, for example, between the peak of the penultimate glacial period and the following interglacial period.

20、When snowfalls on high mountains or in polar regions, it may become part of the glacial system.

21、It soon became clear that there were multiple glacial ages during the Pleistocene, with warmer interglacial intervals between them.

22、Along the southeastern coast of Greenland, an intricate network of fjords funnels glacial ice to the Atlantic Ocean.

23、That would portend increased flows of glacial ice from Antarctica and a rise in global sea levels, endangering low-lying land areas.

24、Recent studies do in fact show that high carbon dioxide levels are associated with warm interglacial periods, and low levels with cold glacial periods.

25、The water was always laden with pebbles, gravel, and sand, known as glacial outwash, that was deposited as the flow slowed down.

26、On March 13th the chairman of Wells Fargo, America's fourth-biggest bank, called the Treasury's ongoing stress test for Banks, with its glacial timetable, "asinine".

27、A surplus allows snow to accumulate and for the pressure of snow accumulated over the years to transform buried snow into glacial ice with a depth great enough for the ice to flow.

28、Recent expeditions have taken ice samples from green icebergs and ice cores—vertical, cylindrical ice samples reaching down to great depths—from the glacial ice shelves along the Antarctic continent.

29、 The dark wind and snow seemed to be frozen during the glacial period of ancient times, and the frozen soil layer of the grassland soon became rigid, and cold air seeped from the ground.

30、Interglacial periods are, typically periods of time between Ice Ages, when the climate warms, and the glacial ice retreats for a time, before things cool off again and another Ice Age begins.