1、CPU intercommunication

2、virtual CPU time

3、CPU (central processing unit)

4、CPU unit programming

5、CPU execution time

6、CPU avg: Average CPU usage during the test.

7、Modern CPU speed was unbelievable.

8、CPU time comprises user as well as system CPU.


10、hard-to-use CPU chip

11、This is captured CPU time.



14、The CPU fits only in one orientation.

15、Each CPU has a dedicated run queue.

16、System and user CPU time: The elapsed CPU time consumed invoking a method.

17、Each logical CPU is using 50% of the total physical CPU allocated to the partition.

18、However, to change the context to another CPU, use the CPU subcommand.

19、MSI's Unlock CPU Core technology became available with the introduction of AMD Phenom II CPU series.

20、SLES8测试中的伸缩显示了伸缩比例为 3.7(4CPU)、6.9(8 CPU)、9.5(12 CPU)和 11.5(16 CPU)。

21、The all system logic is controlled by CPU and CPLD.

22、Performing a CPU Intensive Task - 1,000,000 sine and sum operations.


24、These scripts collect CPU statistics, IO statistics, and database snapshots.


26、Percentage of time the CPU is handling interrupts


28、After the measurement, copy and paste the CPU Time values again, and calculate the CPU Time difference.

29、Although requests for CPU resources are on a steep curve, the actual usage is staying at around 100 CPU units.