1、Hindu pushups. (Video.)

2、Datura metel [Hindu datura]

3、Hindu sect worshiping of Vishnu.

4、a Hindu sect worshiping Shakti.

5、Muslim, Hindu, Christian, etc morality

6、He came from the highest Hindu caste.

7、Muslim Militants Attack Hindu Temple, Killing 24

8、It was to recreate in Hindu mythology the Mount Mira, the Hindu Heaven.

9、It is known for its Hindu and Buddhist shrines.

10、The valley's Hindu minority supported India's cricket team.

11、member of a Hindu sect practicing gymnosophy (especially nudism).

12、This shrine is sacred to the Hindu god Vishnu.

13、Hindu rule was already tottering before Muslim penetration.

14、I am as comfortable entering a Hindu temple, a mosque, a church and a Chinese temple.

15、Many think India is an all-Hindu country, but it's not.

16、His father was a Sikh and his mother was a Hindu.

17、Kama is also the name of the Hindu Goddess of love.

18、Hindu nationalist, in the 2009 general election he failed to appeal to non-Hindus and moderates.

19、Gandhi crumpled instantly, putting his hand to his forehead in the Hindu gesture of forgiveness to his assassin.

20、Sanskrit is mostly used as a ceremonial language in Hindu religious rituals in the forms of hymns and mantras.

21、An American is not free to choose the costume of a Chinese peasant or that of a Hindu prince.

22、One of an ancient sect of Hindu ascetics who wore little or no clothing and were devoted to mystical contemplation.

23、A Hindu nationalist, in the 2009 general election he failed to appeal to non-Hindus and moderates.

24、The song is a love song, in fact, and why not write a love song to the most worshipped woman- a Hindu goddess?

25、Apart from jute, no other crops are grown in Muslim settlements, and the livelihoods of 30 million inhabitants depend on rice grown in Hindu settlements.

26、Amid chanting of Hindu hymns, men, women and children waded into the river with folded hands and prayed that the sun emerged in an overcast sky.

27、One can hardly call these principles doctrines, because Hindu religion on the whole does not enjoin particular beliefs on its followers.

28、The tiny Hindu island of Bali is one of the world’s few remaining societies where modernity and tradition coexist in harmony.

29、For example, the Bharatiy Janata Party put forward secularism program and took secularism measures when it founded. But the failure in election promoted it to make use of Hindu communal sentiment to develop by supporting Hindu in dispute of temple and mosque.

30、Hindu leader Mahant Ramachandra Paramhans, who advocated the construction of a Hindu temple on the site of a former mosque, handed over a sacred stone to a government official just outside an area banned for any religious ceremony by the Supreme Court.