1、be teeming, be abuzz.

2、We inched through teeming streets.

3、The rain was teeming down.

4、The lake is teeming with fish.

5、Clouds rumbling in the sky; teeming rain.

6、Intellectual life was teeming with grand ideas.

7、Social networks are generally teeming with information.

8、You can't go out without a raincoat. It's teeming.

9、The teeming time and height affect flow field too.

10、Yeah. Because rabbits' bodies are teeming with fats.

11、At the same time, policies must be crafted with the teeming grey vote in mind.

12、Academia is teeming with people who are the former but not the latter.

13、Is it a user community for the teeming millions who use your project daily?

14、The arena was teeming, its roof was leaking, and people had begun dying.

15、Virtually every evening, the parks along the Tigris were teeming with people.

16、Today, the minefields that used to be deemed the "land of death" by locals are teeming with vitality.

17、Nearby waters in the East China Sea are teeming with fish and potentially rich in oil and gas.

18、The first two, known as the rumen, are essentially vast incubation chambers teeming with bacteria and protozoa.

19、Well all of a sudden we know we could have a planet teeming with complex and intelligent life.

20、The rich, green canopy is teeming with life, and forest researchers have developed ingenious methods for accessing this mysterious ecosystem.

21、When teeming rare earth treated steels the nozzle blockage occurred so frequently that seriously interferes the application of REM in steels.

22、O’Neill cracks open a teeming world on the fringes of Manhattan, and through it we witness the aspirations of countless men who otherwise are invisible to wealthy Manhattanites.

23、In Israel's view, Hamas has been rocketing Israeli towns with impunity from the safety of Gaza's teeming masses; it had to be shown that civilians provide no shield.

24、We tell you not only are they teeming with life, but the planets and stars and the space particulate between are themselves all conscious beings.

25、The path going off to the left takes you through more energreens, along a murmuring stream friged by flowering shrubs, and then onto a zigzag bridge over a pond teeming with goldfish

26、Like the Galapagos Islands, this island is teeming with 700 extremely rare species of flora and fauna, a full 1/3 of which are endemic, i.e. found nowhere else on Earth.

27、Over time, the gap between rulers and ruled and between rich and poor, as well as between older Egyptians and a teeming mass of disillusioned youths, has widened inexorably.

28、The dry mountain ranges of the western United States contain rocks dating back 440 to 510 million years, to the Ordovician period, and teeming with evidence of tropical marine life.