1、redistribution baffle

2、redistribution effect

3、momentum redistribution

4、pitch angle redistribution

5、water infilitration and redistribution

6、redistribution of forces

7、This isn't just a redistribution of wealth!

8、Thus, it increases the redistribution time significantly.

9、Global rebalancing requires a redistribution of growth within countries as well as a redistribution between countries.

10、Postmortem redistribution of morphine in rats with chronic morphine poisoning;

11、Quickly identify resource surpluses or shortages and formulate redistribution plans.

12、Sports motions can cause the redistribution of viscera blood flow.

13、This methodology provides an automated redistribution of idle bandwidth.

14、Another reader asked about connection limits and redistribution.

15、Efficiently implement redistribution plans and shift key resources to higher priority projects.

16、The main reasons were a large expansion in public-sector employment, pensions and income redistribution.

17、Using Bonferroni statistical tests, intervertebral motion redistribution of each construct was compared with the intact.

18、The next step is to decide on the priority of tables for the redistribution.

19、Iterative techniques requires a redistribution of personnel when a certain skill set is needed.

20、Yet the retired man's consumption wouldn't be financed through a "contribution" or "redistribution" from the young workers that year.

21、Our welfare and redistribution system sustains an industry of tens of millions of both public and private "aid" workers.

22、The table ONLY option allows you to specify a list of tables that will be redistributed during the data redistribution.

23、A small database log file size can run out of log space and cause the redistribution to fail.

24、You get a redistribution and mixing of soil as deep roots are ripped up from the ground.

25、For many, this is the only form of economic redistribution they will see in the coming years as they continue a fruitless search for jobs.

26、The up-regulation and redistribution of TorsinA is not caused by the pathway of the PMA activating PKC after cells insulted by oxidative stress.

27、Considering the effect of heating rate and thermo-softening of material, the redistribution of macro-stress and deformation in structures and the possible heat inducing motion are discussed.

28、The emphasis of the paper is placed on the influence of the secondary moment and the axial prestress on the moment redistribution.

29、The table FIRST option allows you to specify a list of tables that should have precedence over the others during data redistribution.

30、The occasional firing of high-ranking officials such as the former mayor of Moscow, Yuri Luzhkov, leads not to a change in the system but to the simple redistribution of cash flow.