1、Your nervousness will dissipate.

2、Clamor by night betokens nervousness.

3、Marriage increased her natural nervousness.

4、She showed no visible nervousness.

5、Her face betrayed her nervousness.

6、He laughed to cover his nervousness.

7、He tried to hide his nervousness.

8、She laughed to cover her nervousness.

9、Her red face betrayed her nervousness.

10、But it can also induce nervousness.

11、Puberty is characterized by nervousness, sensitivity and irritation.

12、Her over-confident attitude was a cover for her nervousness.

13、but too much caffeine can result in nervousness and sleeplessness.

14、It can cause fearfulness withdrawal and extreme nervousness.

15、He was biting his nails in his nervousness.

16、This paper analyses the nervousness in horse vaulting drills and offers practical methods of easing the nervousness.

17、 The nine o'clock dinner party just started. Now it's seven o'clock. What's your nervousness?

18、So your audience is not nearly as aware of your nervousness as you are.

19、The skeptics have nervousness over markets in general on their side.

20、Was his present instinct genuine or the product of a heightened nervousness?

21、Matthew Goody said: "I played this role some submissive, but also some nervousness."

22、Unexpectedly, as soon as he stepped into the classroom door, nervousness would come out of his head. When Madburg thought he was nervous, his nervousness multiplied and his feet trembled before he spoke.

23、There is clear evidence of increasing client nervousness which will make our operating environment tougher in 2009.

24、At this stage your goal becomes more about handling this more mild, manageable nervousness when it pops up.

25、Clamor by night Betokens nervousness. If there is disturbance in the camp, the general's authority is weak.

26、Laner trembled with nervousness and fear. Brother Rongda took off his coat and put it on Laner gently.

27、Many of us suffer from the mistaken belief that nervousness automatically counts against us, but that's a fallacy.

28、Among survey participants of all ages, however, reports of forgiveness of themselves and others were associated with decreased psychological distress, including feelings of restlessness, hopelessness and nervousness.

29、The explosion of debt that is certain to accompany the enactment of this national health care bill can only add to that nervousness.

30、The nervousness and dread that were upon him inspired that vague uneasiness respecting the Bank, which a great change would naturally awaken, with such feelings roused.