1、Mechanical mining shovel

2、wheeled tractor shovel

3、The first is a shovel.

4、With coal shovel machines, people don't have to dig out coal shovel by shovel.

5、I shovel it out of pan.

6、They are trying to shovel a path.

7、So, help your neighbor shovel his walkway.

8、Ruggam felled him with his shovel.

9、Terri: Why do you need a shovel?

10、The story of an Irish steam-shovel artist and his old-fashioned steam-shovel, Mary Anne.

11、To shovel coal is to move it from one place to another with a shovel.

12、He or I am to shovel the snow.

13、He ran and brought the boys' pick and shovel .

14、1839 - William Otis receives a patent for the steam shovel.

15、Then, a few shovel-fulls later, he quieted down completely.

16、Their tools are a spade, shovel and hoe.

17、The upper part of shovel plough is provided with a ground break punner with length matched with the shovel plough.

18、Now, as David Paterson, New York's governor, dryly puts it, "Everyone with a shovel says they're shovel-ready."

19、This week, it was some expensive glasses. Before that, it was the snow shovel, right after he was asked to shovel the driveway.

20、The harvester was assembled by three holding frame, main body rack, shovel holding boom, grass cutting wheel, vibration delivering stick, and vibration digging shovel.

21、Taking his shovel, the poor sweeper dug a deep hole among the roots of the trees. After several moments, his shovel hit something hard!

22、They all grabbed a shovel and began to shovel dirt into the well. At first, the Donkey realized what was happening and cried horribly.

23、Much emphasis has been placed on projects that are “shovel-ready”, and with good reason.

24、He stabs open the bags with a shovel like he's opening an enemy with a bayonet.

25、His shovel cut through the solid sand and made a comfortable rattle.

26、Get a shovel, so that we can dig a hole in the sand.

27、Suddenly one day, his name spread among the migrant workers because of a shovel.

28、To get rid of that dirt hill, you need to dig out a shovel at a time.

29、The noise was terrible as it spread all the way to the forging yard of a nearby shovel factory.

30、It seems a gargantuan task to teach a pupil to memorize every word he needs to know, much as if the child were being asked to shovel a huge pile of sand, with the shovel shut away.