1、inherited an unencumbered estate.

2、It suggests inherited instinct.

3、You inherited rich blood.

4、Deafness can be inherited.

5、She inherited a large fortune.

6、He inherited 10,000 U.S. dollars.

7、These characteristics are probably inherited.

8、Cecil inherited a family property near Stamford.

9、An inherited or heritable estate in land.

10、Ownership of land which may be inherited

11、He's inherited his father's explosive temper.

12、He inherited substantial property subtracted legacy tax.

13、Mr Emanuel inherited a $587m shortfall in the 2012 budget.

14、The cipher used to encrypt files is the inherited cipher.

15、She had not inherited her mother's forgiving nature.

16、The author believes emotional energy is inherited and genetically determined.

17、Sole proprietorship can be inherited, but the form of its organization may change when it is inherited.

18、The tendency to develop epilepsy may be inherited in families.

19、It doesn't really seem like learning styles are an inherited trait that we all have.

20、Those boys that become young fathers may have inherited noncommittal, promiscuous behaviour from their absent fathers.

21、The attempt to unify natural rights and positive rights was inherited by Hegel, but also failed.

22、The intellectualism that Russell inherited from the Greek results in his notion of the knowledge ontology.

23、Charles XII inherited the crown of Sweden in 1697 at the age of 15.

24、The class initializer does not disturb the metaclass of C, which is the one inherited by base B, and the inherited metaclass does not disturb the class initializer, which does its job just fine.

25、My own father governed Syria for four years, but I inherited from him neither power nor fortune. What I inherited was a small suitcase, sent to us from the prison after he died.

26、The duke inherited one of the most valuable portfolios of property holdings on Earth, centred on Mayfair in London.

27、Though active in commerce or the professions, most of the wealthy were not self-made but had inherited family fortunes.

28、I guess. I suppose that a meritocratic elitism is a little better than a purely inherited or wealth-based elitism.

29、With microbe morphologic and RAPD technique, we made a fringe identification of inherited background of the transformant.

30、Since Vivian's will left everything to her husband, this would be another asset Scott Covey had inherited.