1、arsenic trioxide powder

2、arsenic granulated zinc

3、arsenic trisulfide substrate

4、Trivalent arsenic was more clastogenic than pentavalent arsenic.

5、The arsenic group(CH3)2As-.

6、health effects of arsenic pollution

7、an acid formed from arsenic pentoxide.

8、Strychnine, arsenic, and opium are poison.

9、A salt or ester of arsenic acid.

10、Jane Austen 'died from arsenic poisoning'.

11、Discussion on arsenic pollution from coal combustion and the limits of arsenic content in relative standards

12、Determination of arsenic content in cadmium--Arsenic-molybdenum blue photometric method

13、Conclusion the plant preparation for excreting arsenic promotes the excretion of arsenic.

14、Arsenic can be transformed into volatilizable arsenic by microorganism in the soil and transferred to atmosphere.

15、workplace air - determination of particulate arsenic and arsenic compounds and arsenic trioxide vapour(method by hydride generation and atomic absorption spectrometry )

16、Objective to test arsenic species in urine of people drinking high arsenic water in Inner Mongolia, and to investigate the characteristics of arsenic metabolism of different populations.

17、Chromosome aberrations were induced with both arsenic compounds.

18、relating to compounds in which arsenic is trivalent.

19、Determination of urinary arsenic using HGAFS(hydrogenation atomic fluorescent spectrometry)

20、The microbes seem to have incorporated arsenic into their DNA.

21、"We propose that rice expressing the enzyme will volatilize arsenic, producing rice grains with reduced arsenic content," Rosen says.

22、The underground sediment of the Ganges Delta contains arsenic.

23、"Arsenic poisoning: Harmful effects of arsenic compounds (in pesticides, chemotherapy drugs, paints, etc.), most often from insecticide exposure."

24、The content of arsenic in coal used by local residents was determined by HRICP-MS, and the detailed informations of decedent caused by coal-arsenic poisoning were investigated.

25、Arsenic levels are lower in rice from certain regions, including California and parts of India; rice from these sources could be blended with higher arsenic rice before sale.

26、According to the BGS, the arsenic is adsorbed onto particles of iron oxyhydroxide, which are reduced by organic extracts in the water itself, releasing arsenic.

27、The optimum conditions for the HG AFS determination of arsenic were studied and a AFS method for the determination of arsenic in canned food is proposed.

28、Berg's team is in contact with scientists in Dhaka to evaluate arsenic migration into deeper sediments.


30、Coal is polluting the world's oceans and streams with mercury, arsenic and other dangerous chemicals.