1、substantiate a claim

2、Claims are therefore specially hard to substantiate.

3、To substantiate or authenticate with evidence.

4、This can help substantiate your claims.

5、The eyewitness can substantiate all the testimony.

6、There is little scientific evidence to substantiate the claims.

7、Despite this, more research is needed to substantiate this association.

8、And this paper makes good use of modem technology to substantiate the idea.

9、That 's to substantiate current art creation, and supply new support resource for art study variance.

10、The prophecies of the Bible substantiate its claim to be inspired by God.

11、These theories are used to substantiate the relationship between the phenomenons of the universe.

12、Tracking reaching behavior or eye movements will be necessary to substantiate the findings, she adds.

13、However, genealogist George Ott investigated the claim, failed to substantiate it and said he believes it to be false.

14、All parties to such procedures shall be duly entitled to substantiate their claims and to present all relevant evidence.

15、The building will be used as a laboratory and educational facility to substantiate the Living building Challenge.

16、But more data is needed to substantiate the effectiveness of absorption on sludge as a removal process.

17、You should go through the paper many times - and then again - working to substantiate and clarify your ideas.

18、Companies that sell foods with added ingredients that are intended to boost health or prevent illness are under increasing pressure to substantiate the claims about their products.

19、The main aim of our plan was to substantiate the vivid urban character of the project and optimise its functional allocation.

20、Two types of images substantiate this theory: the strange, indecipherable geometric shapes that appear near some animals, and the few drawings of men.

21、The Gallery sells antique furniture, and fine carpet, porcelains, antique oil paintings, small sculptures and desk adornments, to substantiate your life.

22、Poor research: In an effort to get a business plan together hastily, many business owners do not double-check and substantiate their claims.


24、And so you look into the infinite, you look into the nature of being Awake, and it does not provide confirmation of anything significant from the ego's standpoint, because it doesn't substantiate the ego.

25、In order to further proceed your claim, please replace the camera with the same or similar model and let us have a copy of replacement receipt to substantiate the claim.

26、There are also claims that the cognitive abilities of people with SLI have not yet been sufficiently characterised to substantiate the existence of SLI in a pure grammatical form.