1、carpomaetacarpal joint of thumb

2、feed regulator thumb screw

3、thumb a ride [lift]

4、thumb-stall (sheath to cover an injured thumb)

5、His sore thumb puffed up.

6、Oliver wet his great thumb.

7、as a rule of thumb

8、Her thumb is painfully swollen.

9、There's a hole in the thumb.

10、He is a rule-of-thumb photographer.

11、He played knick knack on my thumb,

12、The child still sucks its thumb.

13、Step 2: Offer pacifier or thumb.

14、Move the thumb as the user drags the thumb within the scroll bar.

15、Modified wrap-around flap for thumb reconstruction and degloving Injury of the thumb

16、Repair of thumb tip defect with dorsal thumb neurocutaneous vasotrophic island flap

17、For example, "thumb suck" may help the patient to stop thumb sucking.


19、They managed to thumb a lift to Paris.

20、My thumb is stronger, and so is my pinky.

21、Step eight: Use thumb to close of right nostril.

22、A small fipple flute with with four finger two thumb.

23、Hold the inhaler upright between fingers and thumb with your thumb on the base, below the mouthpiece.

24、To confirm the thumb control's center position, press a button on your game pad without pressing the thumb control.

25、Step Five: Clasp your left thumb in your right hand and move thumb in circular motion - then switch thumbs.

26、The thumb girl floated on the water for a long time. A dorbeetle flied towards her, using his strong thigh to bring the thumb girl away.

27、He unfolded each coin with his thumb and forefinger, and rotated the inside of his thumb with the tip of his forefinger.

28、Theophilus thistle, the successful thistle - sifter, Sifted sixty thistles through the thick of his thumb.

29、Except for ProgressBars, they also support increment and page increment values and, for Sliders, thumb width.