1、music aptitude test

2、radio code aptitude area

3、a student of great aptitude

4、He has little aptitude for mathematics.

5、Attitude, not aptitude, determines your altitude.

6、He has a natural aptitude for teaching.

7、Is this equipment tested for mechanical aptitude?

8、His scientific aptitude was not immediately apparent.

9、The students obvious anxiety aptitudes are impulse aptitude, physical symptoms and hypersensitive aptitude.

10、mechanotherapy appliances; massage apparatus, psychological aptitude testing apparatus

11、The most representative dynamic tests include aptitude educaluation device, aptitude test, learning process test and cognitive processing test.

12、It is attitude instead of aptitude that decides your success!

13、Edison had a great aptitude for inventing things.

14、He has an interest and an aptitude for his work.

15、Your attitude, not your aptitude, will determine your altitude.

16、Example of multiaptitude tests career development professionals use with their clients are the DAT (Differential Aptitude Test) and the GATB (General Aptitude Test Battery).

17、Dean's aptitude in math helped him to become a successful engineer.

18、It's not your aptitude but your attitude that determines your altitude.

19、I have a strong aptitude for working with numbers and extensive experience with computer software applications.

20、It is attitude other than aptitude that will determine your altitude.

21、I took her on because she showed remarkable aptitude for the job.

22、Bush had a natural bent for mathematics and was a theoretical rather than an experimental scientist by aptitude.

23、Have building act wall to make major and construction 2 class aptitude, hold a building concurrently to decorate 2 class aptitude, it is academician of Chinese metal structure and Zhejiang province standing director unit.

24、In this way, teachers have several years to observe students and teach them in accordance with their aptitude.

25、On nurturing intercultural communication aptitude of three-year college students after China s entry into the WTO;

26、In fact, most people do good work and then get promoted into a position they've shown no aptitude for.

27、Apropos to the theme of the season, our lack of aptitude on defense let this one get away.

28、The theory foundation of this thesis is mainly Construction theory, Post-modernism theory as well as the though of the Multi-aptitude theory.

29、As a people you are to be known for your aptitude to understand even the maximum abstruse nuance of restricted consciousness.

30、Objective: To develop a scholastic aptitude test for pupils of grade 4-6 and analyze the items and examine the reliability.