1、concurrent replication

2、composition of concurrent forces

3、developments concurrent with this

4、Parallel and concurrent collectors.

5、concurrent with discharge

6、Application research of concurrent computing and concurrent processing technique

7、Support multiple, concurrent user sessions.

8、concurrent perspiration and chill; associated with fear.

9、Database courses tackle concurrent resource problems.

10、Maximum concurrent user connections (0 = unlimited):

11、Concurrent processing capacity: Some target integration endpoint systems cannot process large concurrent volumes.

12、Involuntary terminations must be reported concurrent with the termination.

13、Gencon: Uses a generational concurrent style of collection.

14、Therefore, you should use concurrent access for faster failover time.

15、The concurrent punishment between supplementary punishment includes concurrent punishment between the same kinds and the different kinds.

16、The PostgreSQL server can handle multiple concurrent connections from clients.

17、Goal-oriented execution and concurrent execution with oltp.

18、The verb you with concurrent sentence element may form sentences of concurrent sentence element which is indefinite in this case.

19、Objective: to compare the history traits of depressive patients concurrent with borderline personality disorder with non-concurrent patients.

20、So for example, instead of concurrent linked lists, we use dual concurrent lock circular arrays, so we have the benefits of non blocking concurrency without object creation.

21、This article—the concluding part in this series—discusses two things: Design choices for implementing a mutex based concurrent list and designing concurrent data structures without mutexes.

22、When trying to import a classical concurrent mode VG in AIX 5l Version 5.3, an error message informs the user to convert the VG to enhanced concurrent mode.

23、Fourth, the analysis of development trend towards farmers' concurrent business shows that the tendency towards farmers' concurrent business goes deeper and expresses irreversibility.

24、You can create multiple concurrent alternative architectures that can be compared to one another.

25、Tests were conducted with 25, 50, 75, 100, 125, and 150 concurrent users.

26、Consideration must also be made in regard to the number of active and concurrent database connections.

27、Clinical analysis of multiple primary malignant tumors and concurrent renal cell carcinoma

28、Modern source control systems are designed to make concurrent development easy. Give them a try.

29、Article 9 CIRC shall issue a "License for concurrent-business insurance agency" to each entity that is checked and approved to have obtained the qualification for concurrent-business insurance agency.

30、The service must support a minimum of 100 concurrent clients, and shall fail-safe through failures of any underlying datastore.