1、Darkroom momentary boot, Windows inside momentary boot.

2、However, this is momentary that momentary.

3、maximum momentary speed variation

4、the momentary present.

5、A momentary silence ensued.

6、A momentary stirring of air.

7、a momentary pause, interruption, success

8、A momentary pause or rest.

9、He lived in momentary expectation of death.

10、To cause permanent or momentary deafness.

11、They became dizzy with this momentary "victory".

12、It was only a momentary victory.

13、Momentary Her feeling of danger was only momentary, it soon passed.

14、In display, a momentary distortion in a picture.

15、A speedometer reading for the momentary rate of travel.

16、PUSH — A momentary push button (most common event source)

17、一念之差 a momentary slip with serious consequences

18、Realistic Painting is doing the same with all efforts to accomplish aeonian annals of momentary beings.

19、Create a well-known far and near, outstanding people, flowers, flourishing momentary situation.

20、A momentary lapse in the final set cost her the match.

21、There was a momentary silence, profound as what should follow the utterance of oracles.

22、A Spanish military aircraft flew them to momentary fame in Spain.

23、But the momentary ambition, in exchange for endless overtime, so that every day very late to go back.

24、You care about making your relationship work so I expect you'll swallow your momentary pride and say thank you.

25、Certainly it's easy to get too obsessive about such details, but they are worth at least momentary consideration.

26、In other words, in a pinch, a cup of coffee or strong tea might provide some momentary relief.

27、This apparent improvement was but momentary — it was a false calm, which the least breeze could ruffle.

28、But there's a hitch: the electrical circuit has overloaded, and the power strip isn't working, causing momentary panic among the hungry diners.

29、But this momentary nirvana was quickly shattered by the sharp notes of a bell when I tried to cross the street and turn into Zha Road.