1、[Formal] rushing waters

2、(archaic) rushing and whirling.

3、The children are rushing about.

4、He reproved her for rushing away.

5、Now don't start rushing to conclusions.

6、Water went rushing through the lock gates.

7、river banks hollowed out by rushing water

8、Imagine the feeling of relaxation rushing through your whole body.

9、Day and night the rushing waters drive the giant turbogenerators.

10、My mornings are spent rushing around after him.

11、On wheels or on foot, everyone was rushing.

12、and rushing passionately past boulders and over waterfalls.

13、Silence is a kind of preparation, an accumulation, a broad overflowing prelude, and a prelude to rushing and rushing.

14、The rain was rushing along the side of the carriageway, rushing to deeper sewers as if it were tight.

15、Kournikova is a beautiful girl of the tennis world. Her posture rushing to the net resembles the white swan's posture in" Swan Sake" rushing to the prince happily.

16、"Thundered" thunder across the sky, the howling wind rushing the earth, such as the column of rain, "rushing" underground with a storm to hands!

17、Before the words fell, I saw the horse, with its four feet flying like arrows in the wind, rushing straight to Zhao Kuangxu and rushing toward us.

18、Throughout the world, other countries were rushing to approve Peptide 7 and obtain supplies.

19、The thoughts will come rushing back to your mind in no time.

20、His calm has stopped me rushing my fences on many occasions.

21、Everybody rushing about on some incomprehensible errand someone forced him to do at pain of death.

22、One's aspect is like the noise of rushing water-of savage aspect

23、Now they are rushing out measure after measure to punish the survivors, accompanied by increasingly fiery rhetoric.

24、Sigh time and heartless, always urge people to be old, and their partners are now rushing around to make a living, rushing East, West, North and south, like duckweed and wandering, working hard in different places.

25、By early August the dashing tank commander General George Patton was rushing headlong across northern France toward Paris.

26、The Automobile exhibition were going to close, people were rushing outside. Portrait size should be better. Named by my bother.

27、The Bush administration is rushing to sign deals before its "fast-track" negotiating authority from Congress runs out next July.

28、 The man rushed out of the bathroom, not knowing what had just happened, rushing like a wolf.

29、"The Lord of armies will come in with thunder and earth-shaking and great noise, with rushing wind and storm, and the flame of burning fire."

30、There is one step the TSA could take that would not require remodeling airports or rushing to hire: Enroll more people in the PreCheck program.