1、unexplained infertility

2、infertility in male animal

3、Which hospital infertility Taiyuan good!

4、Male infertility is becoming commonplace.

5、Irregular menstruation can lead to infertility it?

6、Men ate the seafood to infertility.

7、Endometritis is a cause of infertility.

8、Conclusions (1)Tubal infertility has become the most importance type of infertility.

9、Male infertility accounts for 40% of infertility problems, which affects approximately 15% of couples.

10、Q: Why is infertility so high in this community?

11、Deletion of gr/gr-DAZ1/DAZ2 gene and male infertility

12、Q: How prevalent is infertility in the Maasai community?

13、Several cases on infertility of professor Ai Jiu-Song

14、However, in general practice the duration of infertility may be shorter than in infertility outpatient clinic patients.

15、Couples are therefore looking for safer solutions to overcome infertility.

16、Female infertility, fallopian tube obstruction, adhesions, water, blocked, blocked, fluid, ovarian cysts, Gong cold infertility, irregular menstruation.

17、Effect of Qianlietongyu plus prednisone acetate on ultrastructure of testis in immune infertility mice

18、Objective: To study the diagnostic significance of chromosome abnormality in male infertility.

19、A: No. Traditionally, Maasai society has developed creative solutions to infertility.

20、However, no study on the prevalence of infertility has been conducted in this area.

21、More research into the causes of infertility could help to tailor solutions to remote communities.

22、That does not rule out a gradual drift to infertility as an additional explanation, but makes it possible that infertility is a consequence, rather than a cause of speciation.

23、While sperm count is an issue in 89 percent of male infertility cases, other causes of infertility, such as sperm speed, motility and shape, cannot be measured by the test.

24、Conclusions: Hysterosalpingography is a safe, easy and effective method in the diagnosis of infertility associated with peritubal adhesions.

25、Treatment of secondary infertility by laparoscopic surgery combined with medication of traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine

26、When untreated, it can cause severe health consequences, particularly for women, such as pelvic inflammatory disease, ectopic pregnancy and infertility.

27、Researchers hypothesize that a screening of the TEX11 gene may provide a pre-birth diagnosis for infertility in men.

28、"You have women with the disease of infertility,and you're comparing them with women who don't have the disease."

29、Objective To observe the effect of vitamin B6 plus sodium bicarbonate as ultrasound contrast medium , and judge the fluent ability of oviduct in infertility.